Anyone coming to Spokane Fri. night?

I'll be there. High school sophomore from northern Idaho... fun stuff. Should be a blast o_O

I just hope the weather improves.. urgh.
I'm going to be there... hopefully if the passes are clear, I'll be on time and watch Devildriver. If I'm late, I'll be there in time for Opeth^_^.
If anybody wants, find me and say hi.

Hopefully I'll have a spot front and center in the bar. I'm 35, medium-length dishwater hair, slightly reddish goatee, and Ghost Reveries longsleeve.

Hippo, where you at in ID? I'm "originally" from Moscow....
Dee Snarl said:
Hippo, where you at in ID? I'm "originally" from Moscow....
I've been in Sandpoint for half a decade or so now. Can't say the metal scene is exactly thriving up here, sadly :mad:
Aerodynamics said:
Yes, I'll be there...(but then you already knew that)...

Dave! Welcome aboard!

At this rate we'll have Spokane's entire metal scene on here in the next few days!! :lol:
I'll be the long-haired dude with glasses, Opeth logo t-shirt and Coors Light hat sitting up in the VIP section.:cool: Hey, even though I get into shows at The Big Easy for free, I bought a few tickets I won't use to support the band.:kickass:
VIP lucky bastard. I'll be down on the floor sweatin' it out with all the other schlubs.

Hey Carl, what's all this about a Peter Lindgren interview?
Aerodynamics said:
Hey Carl, what's all this about a Peter Lindgren interview?

In 4 1/2 hours, I've got a half hour with him....

I wonder what I'll ask him?? :zombie:

I occasionally write for a zine called Dirt Culture. I'll bring some to the show tonight....