Anyone else dig Satriani?


Formerly Ulster Mosher.
Well, the Satchman has released another killer album. I've listened to his new CD in work all night, and I absolutely love it. He's playing the UK in June, and he's yet another one NOT playing Ireland, but I'll be doing all I can to catch him somewhere on tour, whether it be Manchester or Glasgow.

Anyone else here enjoy a bit of a Satch boogie?
I've been a huge fan of his since Surfing. I just picked up his new one. Haven't had a chance to hear it yet, but I'll be listening to it tomorrow. Definitely looking forward to it.
i do dig his stuff...satchmo never seems to disappoint me..I started listening to him back on flying in a blue dream and got hooked since...always kept his style and always in my opinion reinventing himself with sound on his guitar wrk...his stuff is also catchy as well...
i suppose when u are that good u must enjoy playing more laid back music later on in life,i dont find his music entertaining anymore,surfing with the alien is his best record for me.
Surfing with the Alien is a great album and Satriani is an excellent player. However, I find his music very boring (although I also think that Satriani is much better than Steve Vai in playing and writing).
dbluntman said:
i do dig his stuff...satchmo never seems to disappoint me..I started listening to him back on flying in a blue dream and got hooked since...always kept his style and always in my opinion reinventing himself with sound on his guitar wrk...his stuff is also catchy as well...
The last song on the album, Crowd Chant, is one of the most catchiest songs he has ever written. I can just imagine this song live. The first time the audience will be given a chance for some in concert participation. :kickass:

Satch is THE MAN. :worship:
I kinda sorta dig The Satch. I like Steve Vai more, and for really no good reason other than "I just do." I have 4 of Satch's CD's and I rarely listen to them. I admit he is an AWESOME player and a much better wong writer than Vai.
i love satch and vai......... didnt even know he had a newie coming out tho, whats it called....havent had the last few satch albums. no reason bar money tho.......everyones mentioned my fave stach songs already....except for war, that is which is just an amazing song
As much as I like Satriani, I always preferred Dave Uhrich, who I always thought was faster, cleaner, and better sounding than Satriani. (Bit biased here, 'cause I took lessons from Dave, but I've had the chance to see his chops from all of two feet away.) If you can find any of his three albums, they're well worth searching out.
Yea satriani's awesome! I like the new album... only listened to it a few times so far, but it has some great tracks on it

But like a lot of you I'd like him to drop all the effects and write another album like surfing with the alien
lokey said:
i love satch and vai......... didnt even know he had a newie coming out tho, whats it called....havent had the last few satch albums. no reason bar money tho.......everyones mentioned my fave stach songs already....except for war, that is which is just an amazing song
War is a classic Satriani song. One of my favourites also.
dailyvault wrote:I always preferred Dave Uhrich, who I always thought was faster, cleaner, and better sounding than Satriani. (Bit biased here, 'cause I took lessons from Dave, but I've had the chance to see his chops from all of two feet away.)
I agree with you on dave. Does he have a huge fan base outside of chicago ? I've seen him many times around the chicago area in clubs and he's always great. The drummer of an old band of mine was playing with him for a while years back.
I must admit even being a guitar player, I eventually get bored with all the technical instrumental stuff these guys do. As I get older I like an overall good song hook (lyrics and music) no matter how simplistic it is. That's why after all these years I always go back to my AC/DC collection.
Just came across an old ticket stub from 1990 on the FIABD tour. It's cool b/c I thought I lost all of my old stubs but still have most of them. I had a t-shirt from every concert to (40+) before a roomate did something to them. Still have a Metallica, Aerosmith and Ozzy Osbourne.