Anyone else excited about the DVD?


Sep 19, 2005
Chicago, IL
I just want to know the song list. Of course the DVD will have alot of VS. the world songs which isn't a bad thing. I want to see victorious march live.
PaganBlood said:
no sorry i can wait for the dvd. Of course we can't wait for it bitch! its gonna be great. I want AA's future album to have keyboards. Nothing better than keyboards in metal

I could see keyboards, but not in a cheesy children of bodom kind of way.
Man of course I can't wait for this thing

I've seen them on their mini-European tour, August 14th, and I'll be damned to walk the path to Hel if I don't get my hands on this DVD <_<
No I don't want to see AA with Keyboards.
There are enough Melo Death bands with keyboards like Illdisposed.
Amon should keep their raw NO KEYBOARDS ON THE NEW RELEASE!!!!
So guys, here we've got the exact tracklist:

1. Intro
2. An Ancient Sign Of Coming Storm
3. Pursuit Of Vikings
4. Ride For Vengeance
5. Masters Of War
6. The Last With Pagan Blood
7. Once Sealed In Blood
8. Bastards Of A Lying Breed
9. Fate Of Norns
10. Thousand Years Of Oppression
11. Versus The World
12. North Sea Storm
13. Releasing Surtur's Fire
14. Annihilation Of Hammerfest
15. Friends Of The Suncross
16. Bloodshed
17. Amon Amarth
18. For The Stabwounds In Our Backs
19. Intro
20. Where Silent Gods Stand Guard
21. Bleed For Ancient Gods
22. Victorious March
23. Death In Fire

nice :D
Fuckin Nice set lists!!!!! FRIENDS OF THE SUNCROSS!!!! \m/ RELEASING SURTURE'S FIRE!!!!!

But where is Dragon's Flight Across The Waves1?!!? & Burning Creation?!?!! & Arson?!?!!?!

FUCK! Will this be a world wide distributed dvd, or will i need to order it from the US or Europe or somethin?
YEAH!!! annihilation of hammerfest and fucking ride for vengeance!
i've never seen AA play those awsome songs live!
god fucking damnit. i dont want to settle for amon amarth. they need to play the avenger AND amon amarth!!! however they do play north sea storm which is just about as epic as the avenger BUT!!!, the avenger is so much more IN YOUR FACE!. maybe one day they will understand it... and so will all of you! i was listening to avenger at work today and it was thinking it would make a great closing song too. like right at the end when they let the open E.... errr.... B ring out for a second before the sudden stop, i could totaly imagine johan yelling out "GOOD NIGHHHHHHHHHT!!!" you gotta listen to the song. whatever. ima switch my screen name to "Mr.ComplainyPants"
HELL YEAH! 2006 can't come soon enough.

AMON AMARTH: Metal Blade 10th Anniversary Show Filmed For Upcoming DVD - Oct. 5, 2005

Sweden's AMON AMARTH have just returned home from performing at the Metal Blade 10th Anniversary celebration, dubbed Metal Blade RRROOOAAARRR, which took place October 2 at Longhorn in Stuttgart, Germany. The band have posted the following message on their official web site:

"We just got home from an awesome weekend we spent partying at Metal Blade Europe's 10th anniversary. Saturday we were taken to a genuine German beergarten including lots and lots of beer, standing on the tables, arm wrestling and roller coasting!

"On Sunday at the actual party we had an excellent time where we did an exclusive set, including some stuff we haven't played live for a very long time! For instance, how about 'Sorrow Throughout the Nine Worlds', 'God, His Son and Holy Whore', 'Thor Arise', '...and Soon the World Will Cease To Be' and a cover of SIX FEET UNDER's 'Revenge of the Zombie' &#8212; with backing vocals by none less then Brian Slagel, and of course Michael and co. from the Metal Blade Europe office!

"But don't worry if you were not able to see the show, it was all recorded and will be included in the DVD, together with the special K&#246;ln show, which will be released early next year!"

AMON AMARTH's latest album, "Fate of Norns", is available now on Metal Blade Records.
I heard that it was a great show.
They played a lot of old stuff....and the SFU cover.
The cover is on that RRROOOAAARRR CD wich everyone gets there for free.
But I got that track from a friend and I think they did a great job.

NP: Amon Amart - Revenge of the Zombie
Are you fucking serious!? ...And Soon The World Will Cease To Be on DVD? That's the best thing I've heard in a long time, I really thought that I would never get to hear that song live. They really ought to take that setlist with them on their next tour, it would be really cool to see them play different stuff