Anyone else experience this strange bug in Overloud TH2?


May 9, 2012
I'm curious if anyone has experienced a big bug in TH2 where an active patch/preset gets erased/sets back to a default blank patch upon reload? All of my e-mails to Overloud support have gone unanswered.

Let me just start with saying that I absolutely love this ampsim. The cab section is easily the most usable and crisp sounding (when you EQ it) than any other cab sim I've *EVER* tried, and I've tried just about all of them.

That said, for a while now, I would sometimes encounter a glitch/bug where a loaded patch/preset would reset to a blank default upon reloading a project. I tried this in three different hosts: Cubase 7.5, and when I still had REAPER and Studio One 2.

Now recently, I am encountering this *EVERY* time I load a patch and reload or exit and load a project later. I have noticed sometimes it doesn't happen, but now more times than not, it's occurring and it's quite maddening. I just can't find a rhyme or reason to it.

I tried uninstalling, remove all traces of TH2 (including from the registry) and reinstalling to no avail.

Has anyone else experienced this or read anything about this? I Google'd the issue, but to no avail!

I've made a point of saving my patches in my custom bank as a safety measure.
Okay, after contacting them again, they finally responded. However, I did some further investigating last night and here's what I found:

My reply to Overloud support said:
I started with a blank sound (meaning a blank row of presets in the main GUI). I noticed that once TH2 is reloaded, a variation will jump from it's current position/slot to a slot that matches the one it was selected from in the preset menu. Sometimes it will replace any variation that's loaded there. Other times it just goes away.

Here's an example: If I take a sound that was originally in slot number 7 of bank number 1 in the preset menu, and load it into slot 1 of the main GUI, upon reload, the variation/preset jumps from slot 1 to slot 7 in the main GUI. Sometimes it'll replace what's already there. Other times it'll just completey go away/erase itself.