Anyone else got a Diezel VH4?

dan weapon

Planet Smasher
Nov 14, 2005
And if so how/what do you use it with? (settings, pedals, pick-ups etc)
Just asking out of interest really.

So much talk about 5150/6505s - which is always a good thing of course - but thought I'd see if anyone else plays through one of these.
And if so how/what do you use it with? (settings, pedals, pick-ups etc)
Just asking out of interest really.

So much talk about 5150/6505s - which is always a good thing of course - but thought I'd see if anyone else plays through one of these.

I have a Herbert, if that's any help....
The power amp on the VH4 plays like a VHT.... Very unforgiving/tight and stops on a dime.... Herbert has a similar tone but is more 'loose' but still very tight by all means.
Diezel's seem to like passives better, and from the little I played with mine it really doesn't need a TS out front. But I haven't got a chance to hear it miced up yet.
The VH4 has loops out the ass, even has channel inserts. If you are an effects guys you would love one.
I've had mine for about 3 years. I'm very happy with it and the settings etc - everything is pretty much at 11-1 o'clock. Like you say, it prefers passives and although I use a TS in front, it sometimes sounds better without one. Depends on the room!
I want to get a VH4 next.... Kinda hard to when you have already bought a $3200 amp..... Maybe someday soon.