Anyone else looking forward to the new Amorphis?


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002

Anyone heard any samples? I hear they've gone back to 'more guitar oriented sound' - a la Elegy perhaps?

Either way, I'll get it. I love all Amorphis - except the first one is a bit boring.
Demonspell said:
update: Spoke way too soon...Planetary Misfortune and Higher Ground both have middle eastern influences, and Smithereens is very Floyd inspired...

Which Floyd era though? You've got me all excited now, because "middle eastern" and "Floyd" could spell "E-l-e-g-y" to me. But then it could sound like Tuonela too. Either way, I'm pretty psyched.:cool:
Papa Josh said:
I haven't really cared for Amorphis at all past Elegy... my fave is still Tales From The Thousand Lakes followed by The Karelian Isthmus.

I like Tales...but Karelian? Wow, I think it's a bit monotonous. Kind of like a bad version of Bolt Thrower...
The demo versions, i.e. the ones on "Privilege Of Evil" are better than the same songs on "The Karelian Isthmus" IMO. I like "Karelian" but it can be a bit cumbersome to listen to the whole thing straight through. Here's my favourite-Amorphis-albums list:

1. Tuonela
2. Elegy
3. Tales From The Thousand Lakes
4. The Karelian Isthmus
5. Am Universum

Haven't heard the new album yet, but I have heard the new single. Sounds pretty good, but doesn't sound like a major departure from Am Universum really.
OK here's my list in order:

1. Elegy and My Kantelle EP
2. Tales from the Thousand Lakes and Black Winter Day EP
3. Tuonela
4. Am Universum
5. The Karelian Isthmus / Privilege of Evil

I think the vocals on Elegy are the weakest from the cleaner albums, but it still tops my personal Amorphis faves. Go figure.
Not only is it $21, it's also "copy protected." Fuck Amorphis and their label. If I'm going to get this I'm going to download it out of principle. None of my money is going to go towards crippled "protected" discs. I sure do feel like mailing Amorphis and telling them that I've purchased all their previous albums but that I won't be getting this, and why.
phyre said:
...If I'm going to get this I'm going to download it out of principle. None of my money is going to go towards crippled "protected" discs.

Where can this album be downloaded? Only 4 tracks are available on Kazaa and for those tracks I keep getting the message 'More Sources Needed'...damn software!

I found about 25 people who had the whole album in 192 kbps. Now tell me, dear record company executive fuckheads, how can this be when you have your precious fucking copy protection on the discs? HUH?
phyre said:

I found about 25 people who had the whole album in 192 kbps. Now tell me, dear record company executive fuckheads, how can this be when you have your precious fucking copy protection on the discs? HUH?

Not sure if they put protection shit on promo copies - those are the things that get ripped the most. And having said that, I have yet to find a CD that does not play on my laptop. Is this 'copy protection' thing an urban myth or what?