Anyone else looking forward to the new METAL CHURCH album?

Iced Ray

May 18, 2004
These guys never disappoint and I am really looking forward to the new album which is going to be released on June 27th! :headbang:

Here is the cover:


The tracklisting is as follows:

01. Light in the Dark
02. More Than Your Master
03. Disappear
04. Pill for the Kill
05. Mirror of Lies
06. Light Machine
07. Blinded by Life
08. Beyond All Reason
09. Under the Gun
10. Caught Up
11. No Remainds
12. Watch the Children Play (tribute)

And Bravewords just gave it a pretty good review:
I'm not much of a fan. I like this one ok so far but I've only spun it a coupla times. The vocals could be a little better, I think. My track listing is a different order than what you posted. Don't know which is right, of course.
I like to think of myself as a big US metal fan but I still don't have any Metal Church albums. I suck. :erk:
I believe I'll start with the first couple of albums though... yeah I'll get back to you in a few months. :lol:
i couldnt get into their vibe beyond Blessing, I did buy the next two but it just wasnt happening. So alas, no, I'm not looking forward to it.
I didn't like it but I felt it better than "Weight Of The World". In anycase is not MC for me since only Vanderhoof is there
I have to check it out, a few months ago I pulled out my Metal Church cassette and it reminded me on how much I've lost touch with their music. Thanks for the link!
sixxswine said:
Fuck this thing is fucking horrible.....

I don't know if I would stated like that. But as I said before a (and I won't quit saying it) it's NOT Metal Church!
It's Vanderhoof band and as it is it's good stuff, but as Kurdt still tries to "cash-in" the brand name he is shooting himself in the foot.

You can't compete with a well established legacy, he should learned from the Metallica experience.

What makes me smile is the fact that David Wayne (RIP) tried the same with his solo album and was inmensely criticized for it (even if Craig Wells was in it), but Kurdt can get away with it just because he owns the band (even if he doesn't play in the albums of Howe era, the best btw).

And re-recording 'Watch The Children Pray' (horrible version) doesn't help the credibility IMO.

My official expanded rant on the MC thingie.

NP: Sodom - 'Brandish The Sceptre'
Here's my brief write up on this record, as it will likely appear on the PR site:
Metal Church-A Light in the Dark
By: R*@#$M!@#$%^@!

First of all, I’m a fan of the “classic” Metal Church records, I thought David Wayne was and still is the voice of Metal Church. That said I grew to like Mike Howe after the Wayne spilt, and grew to love most of those records. While Mike was a different singer he added something to the band and presented the classics in his own way. He wasn’t trying to be David Wayne and for that I respected the guy. At that point in time, there were enough members in from the classic line-up to carry on with the name. Fast forward to the present time, there is one, that’s right one member from the old line-up, that being Kurdt Vanderhoof on guitar. I was open to listening to <i>A Light in the Dark</i>, hell I’m sure I have heard worse, right? Here’s my grievance, there aren’t many bands out there these days with one original member using his band’s name. Okay there is Venom, but we know how they fared, they got a lukewarm reception at best. The Metal Church cover band has issued their second record with singer Ronny Munroe and it’s more of what we got with the last record The Weight of the World. The music sounds dated, stale and a third rate stab at the glory days, it’s so awful it would be comical, but it isn’t because they are serious. Even the title of this record lacked much effort; <i>A Light in the Dark</i> after all their second record was called The Dark. And yes that guitar on the cover is the same image of the one on the self-titled debut, then on their “Masterpeace” album. Talk about riding the coat tails of the Wayne gravy train?! This reeks of a cash grab. But wait there’s more, Vanderhoof found it in his heart to disgrace the memory of David Wayne by having his cover band remake “Watch the Children Pray.” It pained me to hear how this band butchered that classic heavy metal song! David Wayne is rolling over in his casket. How can you fuck up that song?! You couldn’t until now! There isn’t one song on here that is even worth mentioning and frankly it’s boring, there isn’t any entertainment value on it. For those of you that want to know the history of what once was check out the first four records and take a trip to The Experience Music Project in Seattle, where you’ll see a tribute to the “real” Metal Church. And I’m petitioning for a name change effective immediately.<br><br>
I's good to know that I'm not the only one that feel this way about the "new" MC. We haven't agree on something in quite a time, isn't is Sixxi? ;)

Sodom - 'Pretenders To The Throne'
Wyvern said:
I don't know if I would stated like that. But as I said before a (and I won't quit saying it) it's NOT Metal Church!
It's Vanderhoof band and as it is it's good stuff, but as Kurdt still tries to "cash-in" the brand name he is shooting himself in the foot.

You can't compete with a well established legacy, he should learned from the Metallica experience.

What makes me smile is the fact that David Wayne (RIP) tried the same with his solo album and was inmensely criticized for it (even if Craig Wells was in it), but Kurdt can get away with it just because he owns the band (even if he doesn't play in the albums of Howe era, the best btw).

And re-recording 'Watch The Children Pray' (horrible version) doesn't help the credibility IMO.

My official expanded rant on the MC thingie.

NP: Sodom - 'Brandish The Sceptre'

Craig Wells did not play on David Wayne's solo'll have to look up information on the metal church forum.....
sixxswine said:
Hasn't been that long has it?!:p I'm very disappointed and angry that
Kurdt is running the name into the ground!:heh:

I feel that way since WOTW, so this is the final hammering on the coffin. Sad isn't it?

On the other hand I love what he did with Presto Ballet which proves the guy has a lot to offer, and then again I suppose money talks...

mindfull said:
Craig Wells did not play on David Wayne's solo'll have to look up information on the metal church forum.....

I found the info on M-A. Anyway I wouldn't care if he plays or not in it, both Wayne and Kurdt have fucked up the MC legacy IMO at one time or another. Shame because was one of the best and most underrated bands from the 80's, luckily I still have the old albums to listen to.

NP: Overlorde - 'When He Comes'
Hmm, some harsh words here but I guess the only glimmer of hope for me about this album is that I really liked WOTW so maybe I will still dig this album.