anyone else think frankie got dissed on MMD?

What I wanna know is why did they put in the break where they were having a photo taken and Frank craps on about Rob's jacket and basically comes off as a real asshole and the rest of the band looks really unimpressed by him.

What's up with that? Did the band put it in for a reason cause it's absolutely useless - unless they're making a point about Frank being a wanker like this often??? Your thoughts???
Maybe him being out of the video is part of the overall attitude towards him and that's why he left. Part of not 'Playing nice in the Anthrax sandbox'.
Don't know though. Just a theory.
No Mistress, guys are worse. The fellas at work aren't happy unless celebrating someone elses trials and/or tribulations.
timmy c i just came on this board to write exactly the same thing.
why did they include THAT segment out of all the ones they could have put in?

it seems to serve no purpose other than to show that frank was in a bit of a bad mood. so what- everyone has off days! they obvioulsy want to show him in a bad light. but to do so, in such a blatant and public way (especially after fans have paid money for the DVD) is pretty lame!

it seems very childish of whoever chose to put that clip in to do so. is that really the kind of stuff they think the fans would want to watch on a DVD?

but it's kind of priceless, i admit, to just see the look on scott and charlie's face when frank lets rip.
who knows...

how about rob's clip? that is funny! "you have the head of a 4 year old"
im just taking a stab at the triggers but maybe hes just hitting buttones and the kicks are done with electronics hooked up to the pedals, so that he hits the switch with his foot and it sends a signal to the motor that sends a burst of power to the pedal and makes it hit the bass drum. just my take on what it mean's. if hes using them cause the pedals dont return fastenough, i understand that, but if theres another reason then im lost cause the normal sound was more than 1000 times better. i wish he'd come on here and post why he changec and what exactly they are.
here is my take on triggers. If i'm right, the are attached to the drum heads and lead to a processor and /or amplifier. That way you don't need to beat the hell out of the heads and can also change the way the drums sound. It would also eliminate extra mic's and stands which are usually used.
Max - I agree totally with what you said - you understand my point exactly. Frank was a cool guy for nearly 20 years with the band and then he gets portrayed as a complete ass by this pointless 30 second segment. I'd love to know whose idea it was to put that in there on the dvd.
I hate to have to get involved here, but those who knew Frankie, know that segment accurately protrays Frankie. (I don't claim to know Frankie extremely well, but I talked to him many times. You get the point.) I love Frankie. He was nothing but cool to me everytime I met him. I was pissed when he was let go. I hope he returns to the band. But the man did have an attitude. They talk about it in Behind the Music. People talked about it after the Atlanta show last year when he was throwing shit onstage because the sound wasn't working correctly. It's also fun to pick on the new guy in the band, Rob. I think you're reading WAY too much into this little segment.
Max & TimmyC-
The DVD was edited before Frank was out of the band. And, if you knew anything about Frank, you would know that he busts balls all the time. The photographer in that segment is Gene Ambo, and Frank and Gene have a 20 year relationship of non-stop ball busting. If you think he's being a dick, you're wrong. Sorry to blow up all the conspiracy theories.
jdelpi said:
I think you're reading WAY too much into this little segment.

Very well said.

Imagine Frank was still in the band and all this never happened.... and that segment was in there. How would you guys view it then? It has alot to do with your frame of mind. Your perspective.
Mr. Wu said:
Max & TimmyC-
The DVD was edited before Frank was out of the band. And, if you knew anything about Frank, you would know that he busts balls all the time. The photographer in that segment is Gene Ambo, and Frank and Gene have a 20 year relationship of non-stop ball busting. If you think he's being a dick, you're wrong. Sorry to blow up all the conspiracy theories.
jdelpi said:
I hate to have to get involved here, but those who knew Frankie, know that segment accurately protrays Frankie. (I don't claim to know Frankie extremely well, but I talked to him many times. You get the point.) I love Frankie. He was nothing but cool to me everytime I met him. I was pissed when he was let go. I hope he returns to the band. But the man did have an attitude. They talk about it in Behind the Music. People talked about it after the Atlanta show last year when he was throwing shit onstage because the sound wasn't working correctly. It's also fun to pick on the new guy in the band, Rob. I think you're reading WAY too much into this little segment.
What these 2 said. I met Frank, and he was nothing but hella cool. He was a big joker. But if you look back at previous releases, such as the Return of the Killer A's DVD and Behind The Music, you'd see that's how he was. Those were released with him still in the band. So again, there's not really a conspiracy because this has been going on for awhile. Either way, like Mr. Wu said, the dvd had to have been completed before Frank left, so it's not like it was done on purpose with conspiracy involved.
the lack of shots of frank on the DVD is maybe cos they had cameras on rob and scott.
frank was in the middle and moving around quite a bit, so it may have been hard to get decent shots of him.
the bass sound on the DVD sounds great but somehow on the CD it's not as good.
maybe it's just my hi-fi...