My thoughts about Frankie and Anthrax

I don't want to sound like a downer, but what the hell is gonna happen to their shows now? It was always Frank who was going nuts. Covering Robs eyes in the middle of solos, putting pics on Robs forehead and seeing if they stick, pointing out the people that are'nt going crazy enough and making yawning gestures towards them. It was all gold. I'll admit I got a lot of my own stage presence from watching him. I got no beef with Armored Saint or the rest of Anthrax, but who is gonna MOVE? Not only that, what about the vocal Harmony? Bello became responsable for a whole hell of a lot of back up singing in the last 7 or so years. No offense to Scott, but he does'nt have a very melodic voice. Maybe Armored Bassist guy can sing, but it won't be the same. I saw Thrax a good 6 times last year and the harmony between Bello's and Bush's voice has gotten so good! It's just not gonna be the same without Frank. Don't get me wrong, if they come back to the Philly area, I will be there, but it will definatley feel like something is missing. Hopefully Bello will make a return after a short Break. Best of luck to him and the rest of Anthrax.

--p.s. I got no beef with Charlie but How do you kick your nephew out of the band?
I have been a fan of Anthrax since Among the Living came out. Every album since then, I have loved, no matter who was in it. I don't like the fact that Frank is gone, but Anthrax has shown that they are survivors. All they need is the fan's support. They have my support, no matter what! :kickass:
I like Ellefson, but Newsted would probably draw more people.
Would probably get a 'buzz' going. You know...."Have you heard who Newsted is with now?"
That kind of thing.
Know what LL, lotsa folks might call us traitors and such, but, I'm witch yoo. I think Newsted would be real good for the band's buzz factor. I would like to see them sell some more albums and get big as all hell again as long as they stay fan friendly. I think it would be a good show too. Now if only we can get Mistresses Maiden, Brat, GString, and Susie to dance in cages on the stage!!! :tickled:
Some suggestions...


