Something I posted On Myspace about tonights show...

Dave and Co kicked ass on stage. I would have liked to have seen em for a few more songs. I will be getting out to see more gigs I hope.

Keep us posted Dave. Nice Job!
The show was awesome!! I was like a 5yr old on Christmas!! I will have pics of our set, and Anthrax set up soon. Dont really have a big review or whatever to give you all, Just a thank you to everyone here and at the showfor being so cool. I was releaved to hear cheers insted of boo's. I have been to countless Anthrax show that the opening bands good alot of boo's. Thanks again everyone!! If anyone wants to know when we are playing, check out our myspace page we are alos doing a small tour in September. Check dates on the page.

Buddy is like the metal version of Rudy.
