Anyone ever failed an exam


Dec 15, 2007
I've never properly failed anything, but today I completely fucked up my chemistry calculations exam. I need to get a B in it, but I think I will struggle to pass.

My calculator didn't raise to a negative power because it was in some wierd mode, despite me testing it beforehand, and it wouldn't change mode either. Sometimes you can't win.

Because of this I doubt I'll be going to university next year.
Yeah, I fucked up a chemistry exam before, I think I spent about an hour drawing stupid shit on the working sheet that came with it, cos I just had no idea where I was going with it. The year before chemistry had been my highest mark but the teacher I got for my Higher (A Level equivalent) didn't like me at all and subsequently made me hate the subject.

I had my ass covered by nailing every other test with an A or B though, so I dropped school and made a runner, hated the place, FWIW though I wouldn't want to be in Uni at 17, I was on some dubass college timekiller course when I was 17 and everyone was always like "LETS GO DRINKIN" and I spent many an evening trying not to get ID'd.
I'm good at Organic, just not too great at inorganic, but not as bad as this result will show. I mean, I couldn't do pH calculation or anything involving small numbers in standard form so that's me completely and totally fucked.
My step brother was known to go into an exam he deemed "irrelevant" and simply write his name to get the first 10 points, then sit there...

With regards to failing exams... i've failed a couple of subjects before...
My step brother was known to go into an exam he deemed "irrelevant" and simply write his name to get the first 10 points, then sit there...

With regards to failing exams... i've failed a couple of subjects before...

I can relate to that state of mind.

Generally leads to these AS results though - E, U, U
Ah man, my AS and A-Level results sucked apart from my C in computing... would have done better than a D in ICT too but there was too much bullshit...

went to college, got Merit Merit Pass in National Diploma in Music Practice... for anyone not from the UK... its a piece of paper that says I did really well but means fuck all!!

still learned a lot... like recording through analogue then digital systems...
Only failed one exam in college during my Masters program. The prof sucked and didn't teach the material well, and it was difficult stuff (2nd of 3 accounting classes required, lot of math involved). I failed the final exam and failed the class because of it. I took the class again with a different professor and passed with a B. The right prof/teacher makes all the difference.
I can't say for sure, but I don't remember failing any exams. I've had some strange luck with that, because I even passed a health education exam in high school even though my answers were a drawn beaver (the kind that builds dams and shit, not the kind that imports cock and exports babies) and a one-paragraph essay about David Hasselhoff's chest hair.
If you've been clear with all of your working then you wont lose too much with the final results. Also, a year out including one retake isn't the end of the world, you'll enjoy the freedom of not having to learn shit for a while.
Failing tests? Oh yeah, lots. In 2003 I went to school to become a electrical engineer. I did quite well and was almost halfway to the studies (about 2 years) when I totally lost my motivation. Failed tests one after another. It was depressing. I didn't pass enough courses so my student grants were cut out. After that I quit the damn place and never looked back.

Best decision I have ever made! :kickass:
I got 3 C's and 2 B's at GCSE, the rest aren't even worth talking about. Then I dropped out of college. Twice.
I regret NOTHING.
If you've been clear with all of your working then you wont lose too much with the final results. Also, a year out including one retake isn't the end of the world, you'll enjoy the freedom of not having to learn shit for a while.

That's comforting to hear, thanks :)

I've dropped at least 10 out of 100 for the calculator thing, but it fucked me up for the rest of the paper, ruining my concentration. Having said that, my ex who is going for a place at oxford thought it was fucking hard so grade boundries might be low.

I just know I've fucked it up, I revised so fucking hard for nothing.

Just to add, I got like 9 A's and an A star at GCSE so I should be getting good grades... I'm just not and the worst person ever at taking exams.
That's comforting to hear, thanks :)

I've dropped at least 10 out of 100 for the calculator thing, but it fucked me up for the rest of the paper, ruining my concentration. Having said that, my ex who is going for a place at oxford thought it was fucking hard so grade boundries might be low.

I just know I've fucked it up, I revised so fucking hard for nothing.

Just to add, I got like 9 A's and an A star at GCSE so I should be getting good grades... I'm just not and the worst person ever at taking exams.

I know the feeling, I completely fucked up my particle physics and astronomy exams a few day ago after quite a lot of work. It sucks but if you do the maths then you'll realise how little the difference in grade matters on one exam to your overall grade.