Anyone ever failed an exam

I failed my first ever exam a couple of months ago.

It was my Software Engineering midterm and I failed by 2 marks. Still feel really stupid about it.
For my high school final, I finished one of the two hour exams in 30 minutes, having not looked at anything related to the subject for a good 3 months. I wasn't that fast because it was easy, but because I had no fucking clue what else to write (all essays) and had used up all my knowledge in that 30 minutes. I got 90% in that exam.

.. it was a Religion exam though.

I've only failed Maths exams, but those were mostly when the entire class failed with me. I'm getting pretty ready to fail my first one tomorrow though.. :/

I can't say for sure, but I don't remember failing any exams. I've had some strange luck with that, because I even passed a health education exam in high school even though my answers were a drawn beaver (the kind that builds dams and shit, not the kind that imports cock and exports babies) and a one-paragraph essay about David Hasselhoff's chest hair.

Lmao. I remember for a Physical Education exam I wrote a really sexist essay (don't remember the details.. I think we had to do it newspaper article style and I put in a bunch of quotes like "Well of course, she's a woman! Woman aren't smart enough to do that!" [pre in-the-kitchen meme time]) for the final question and still managed a 7/15.
I had to take the Advanced Analog Electronics exam four times before I passed it :erk: But then again, so did 36 other people... out of 38 :lol:

Here's one of the easier questions in the exam:

Calculate a value for the transistor amplifier J1 resistor R4 so, that VGSQ = -0.6V
VGSoff = -3.0V and IDSS = 12 mA

Calculate the amplifier's:
- Quiescent point for IDQ and VDSQ
- Input resistance
- Output resistance
- Voltage gain when Rs has been bypassed with capacitor C3
- Voltage gain when Rs is not bypassed with C3

I've failed one exam ever, and that bizzarely, was Marketing at university in year 2. Had to do a retake and then passed that (and only just!). There were multiple problems with that subject for me...

1. The lecturer was so bad she was awesome to sit there and laugh at
2. we only had a seminar every 2 weeks
3. 200+ hot chicks to oggle in the lecture theatre
4. somehow my brain says marketing is such an easy subject i dont need to pay attention :lol:
5. I couldnt be fucked to read up any more on it due to all of the above.
I've failed one exam ever, and that bizzarely, was Marketing at university in year 2.


4. somehow my brain says marketing is such an easy subject i dont need to pay attention :lol:

Uh oh, this is what I have tomorrow. Getting really bored going over everything.. "integrated marketing communications aim to increase sales, reinforce brand equity, target new segments and retain customer loyalty." The whole thing is just common sense intertwined with buzz words.. kill me nowwww. Doesn't help that I haven't done anything marketing/business-related since year 8 in school :/
I just found out I failed my Electrical Power Engineering exam. I get a resit in August so it should be okay. Got an A in my maths exam though (Vector calculus,Vector Fields,Surface integrals,Curl & Divergence etc). I also failed a shitty management course because I had apparently not handed my work in on time, even though I did and have the submission file to prove it, so the 10% they deducted from my grade is now getting added back and I should pass :) I was nearly ready to pack in uni or maybe go somewhere else and study something. Competition in England is much tighter but up in Scotland most people over the past few years with average grades have been getting into good universities. I'm at Edinburgh doing Electrical Engineering. I'm sure you will be fine with regards to applying!
Failed my Cultural Diversity final last year, passed the course (thankfully) based on my strong midterm score, participation, and other papers/etc. I more or less didn't pay attention and did a half ass job in class because I figured it had nothing to do with my it degree. Would have been pissed if i failed the course and needed to retake
I've never properly failed anything, but today I completely fucked up my chemistry calculations exam. I need to get a B in it, but I think I will struggle to pass.

My calculator didn't raise to a negative power because it was in some wierd mode, despite me testing it beforehand, and it wouldn't change mode either. Sometimes you can't win.

Because of this I doubt I'll be going to university next year.

well, I got in to the uni I'm in now after the fourth try...
Uh oh, this is what I have tomorrow. Getting really bored going over everything.. "integrated marketing communications aim to increase sales, reinforce brand equity, target new segments and retain customer loyalty." The whole thing is just common sense intertwined with buzz words.. kill me nowwww. Doesn't help that I haven't done anything marketing/business-related since year 8 in school :/

Haha yeh its great fun dude. Now, what are you doing trying to play medal of honor beta when you have an exam Morgan? :lol: