Anyone experienced with security camera systems...


Don't you ever get...
Aug 25, 2005
Lost In Necropolis
Looking to hook up something cheap for the night time via a computer in the garage. Recent string of vandalism, including the blowing up of my motherfucking fancy psychodelic mailbox (painted by Zane Kesey, heh) with a dry ice bomb, is starting to bother me. A good idea of who's doing it, however, the cops refuse to take action until I provide substantial proof. Idea was hanging up another one of the mailboxes (it's a good looking target), while having a camera of sorts pointed. Things tend to happen between 11pm - 4am, so I'm gonna need something to cover night...

hire one of the mexicans from work to stand in the shadows with a large stick and attack whoever comes too close. pay him en coca y cerveza.
i think a sign near the mailbox or the on the lawn mentioning that "this EricT dwelling is under video surveillance" will suffice
i think a sign near the mailbox or the on the lawn mentioning that "this EricT dwelling is under video surveillance" will suffice

You see, I had thought of this... HOWEVER, this asshole (suspected on all of these) owes various members of this household a few cans of paints, a back windshield, left side mirror, mailbox, the 3 from the address number, and a tire. Nice chunk of money. All the police have ever said, despite the kid admitting to quite a few of these incidents to some of his school chums (starting the chain of information passing), is that we need "proof" for this crap. His mom also tends to help, personally I think that slut blows the officers... Funny, as far as we can gather, he originally started the jihad against our house when my sister embarrassed him in school a few years ago. Apparently he does this shit to others houses, but hasn't been "proven", his name just pops up everywhere when it does happen.

Of course, doesn't help that the kid is a minor.

So the obvious solution/retribution is of course to set a trap where no amount of motherly mouth love can get him out of it. :lol:
the thing is even if you catch him in the act the retribution for that single crime won't suffice to even the odds. i vote for a multi-front campaign of harassment and character assassination
LOL, I heard on NPR today about how citizens in Guatemalan cities are going the vigilante route. I guess the police there are all ghey and lying and there's some 80,000 gang members. The police chief of one city said that in his 10 months on the job, there have been 6 lynching deaths (by fire)
you can also have the Google Street View creating van drive by at strategic times ... seems to have worked in the past :loco: