Anyone familiar with WINTERHAWK?


Doom On!
Apr 14, 2004
West Burbs of Chicago
This weekend, there was a small festival in Chicago called "ALEHORN OF POWER" Some great bands like Manilla Road, Slough Feg, and Twisted Tower Dire played. One band on the bill I had never even heard of before played called WINTERHAWK.

I later found out they have been active since the late 70's and are from Chicago! (My home town). I am only 31, so was not obviously going to shows in the 70's.

They have been described as a hard rock - prog metal band. Not really sure how to describe them after seeing them.

Anyone familiar with this band?
I would say they remind me of a cross between Styx, (old) Scorpions, Whitesnake, and well.. a few others like Genesis.

The album 'there and back again' is quite good, and worth checking out. Has some killer guitar work. You can also check out his solo work -- Jordan Macarus.

must have been a treat to have heard them =)
I was simply amazed to find out they had been around since the 70's.
As I said, I had honestly never even heard of them.
Were they ever "popular"? Or were they more known to the underground scene?
I really dig (great period word) the live album-- haven't heard Revival but have read mixed reviews, and don't care for the album from 1992-- but yes, if you are a big 70's guitar hero rocker that likes some Rush/Kansas/Styx-ian stuff, this is awesome stuff-- definitely get "There and Back Again: Live at the Aragon".
Seeing as I am an old fart (40+), I remember the name floating around as I was starting to get into the Chicago band scene in the early 80's. I never heard them nor owned any of their product, but they were a staple in the midwest for quite awhile...
I just find it bizarre that I never heard of them, though I really wasn't starting to go to shows until the mid to late 80's. Maybe if I was over 21 at the time I might have caught a bar show of theirs or something.

It blows my mind they played the Aragon . I assumed they opened for someone big.