Anyone feel like critiqueing my last mixes?

Drums are too dry, bass isn't filling out the low end of the guitars, filter out the bass from say 80hz down and bring it up in the mix, add some verb to the drums, add some higher end in, say 8000hz or so, to give it more presence. What equipment did you use for everything? The vocals sound good, though not my style of vocals, and a little low in the mix. Don't take any of this as gospel though, just thought i'd reply since noone else had!
Well, I'm listening on PC speakers at work, so this ain't the greatest critique in the world!....anyway...I agree with COBHC for the most part. I also think the guitars are sort of lacking in a strong midrange presence. They seem kind of muddy and harsh at the same time and with no midrange "bite".
More high end in the drums, and maybe some reverb. They do seem really dry and dull.
Cool stuff overall though!
cobhc said:
What equipment did you use for everything?

Pro tools TDM system. Apogee and 888 converters

Drums= Tama rockstar kit...with about 2 month old heads......:cry: pretty nice zildjian Z customs and 1 A custom crash

overhd= AKG C12 Stereo Pair =midas xl4
Kick= beta 52+Trigger =xl4
snare= sm57 =xl4
toms= 421 =xl4
hat= sm81 =crane song flamingo
ride= km184 =c s f

Bass= Old SVT classic head, marshall 4x12 cab
SDelux U95= Neve 1272
sm57= Manley Voxbox

Guitars= Blue Voodoo head (120) Marshal 4x12 cab....a string of pedals
sm57= xl4
akg 414= manley vbox

Vocals= C12= Voxbox

other crap i used.....couple UA 1176's, an EL fatso, TC Fireworx, Waves plugins.

Thanks for the responses.
Fair enough man, i wasn't beating on ya, just takes time, my mixes all sound like they have no dynamics to them, so i'm not there yet either lol. Just try the few things already mentioned and get back to us with it, everyone will chip in and help, it's a good forum here :)
No offense taken man....Just figured I should throw my experience in there.

The thing I hate most on there is the guitars....I tried eqing the hell out of them and still couldnt get the sound i was going for.....maybe try compressing/multiband compressing them?

I know the drums are pretty dry. The heads were so beat up the only way I could tune them to sound decent was to have them tightend and deadend. I did throw some verb on the snare, but when i did it on the toms they sounded really fake and i didn't like it. Any good reverb tips on metal recordings?
Well i don't record real drum's i just use samples, but i use either the Waves Trueverb plugin, or the Ultrafunk Sonitus Reverb plugin. And yeah guitars wise, use andy's Waves C4 setting to tighten up the low end, and the blue voodoo head, never had experience with that, what speakers are in the marshall cab?
yea from listening on my pc speakers i can just say the drums as a whole are a little loud. the bass should be tightened up a bit maybe with some compressing or eq'ing. i like the guitars for most of the song. and everything kinda needs some reverb. good job though pretty decent song.
cobhc said:
. And yeah guitars wise, use andy's Waves C4 setting to tighten up the low end, what speakers are in the marshall cab?

Where can I find andys c4 setting?
I don't know what kind of speakers were in his cab.....I'm pretty sure it was the 2000 model cab. Is there some certain things recording wise when dealing with certain speakers?
I'm way worse at this than you so my opinion is soley on based on what I'm hearing, not from expierences.

The guitars do sound funny. Fuzzy, not distorted and don't cut through. The drums sound okay but I think they're to loud and is it just me or is the bass not tight with the guitars? Vocals sound good.

C4 setting. You can find a lot of stuff using the search function! I don't say this because I'm annoyed, I find it to be a really easy and helpful. :)