anyone from Toronto?


Apr 24, 2003
Toronto, Canada
i want to avoid mail-ordering crimson 2 as i haven't got a credit card and i would just like to know if any stores around Toronto are carrying it. i just went downtown yesterday and checkout out HMV/Sam's/Sunrise and none of them had it. HMV was the only one that carried Edge of Sanity and the section was empty. i was able to pick up Alive Again though, so the trip was worthwhile. any ideas?
i was pretty much wondering if there were any metal shops or anything like that, cause i hardly know downtown, and i figured a big city like toronto MUST have at least one metal shop, somewhere...
I live in montreal and i asked about the Crimson II cd they told be they could order it for me. however the price would be around $40..... i said no thanks.

I did order it off the end records by using a friends credit card it will come to about $16 Canadian. So try that.
I have a job, $7.70 an hour x 12 hours a week = about 80... doesn't go very far, having to pay tuition, food (when i'm not at home for meals), music (the most important of all), etc... i get payed on thursday, by the time i bought alive again (friday), i had about $2 in the bank after that. so i had nothing to spend the rest of the week.
I am just joking with ya.
What type of job do you have? Get one that's high paying!

You should look into teaching tennis, cuz i do that and i make a killing at about 20 to 25 bucks an hour.

However when you have the chance and the money there is nothing like getting a cd in the mail at $25 cheaper then in stores.


I work at a grocery store, Food Basics. It's a horrible place as far as raises go.

I dunno if I could teach anything, I have no talents.

I'll try to work out the mail thing, it sounds like fun.
I was at at HMV 333 Yonge St a few days ago, and they had a few copies of it. Oddly, it wasn't even placed out front with the new releases, so check out the "Edge of Sanity" section. I think it was like 27.99, which is why I didn't pick it up :hotjump: