anyone go to providence tonight for the show?

Pitiless Wanderer

Active Member
Jun 14, 2002
Salt Lake City, UT
Man, I grabbed a ticket cuz I had nothing else to do tonight...but I ended up turning around because the weather was absolutely fucked. It ruined everything. It took 2 hours for me to get to 60 miles from my house. Accidents everywhere. Then, they SHUT DOWN interstate 93 south at exit 7. How fucked is that? You cant just close a fucking highway down. So, I pussed out and turned around and came home. Probably still be driving if I had decided to stick with it.

Anyway, please tell how the show was and specifically Devin Townsend's setlist and performance. Hope everyone who went had fun. Fuckers.
Are you serious? I drove down from NH 495 - 93 - 95 and I had 1030 AM on every ten minutes for the traffic. I heard nothing about roads being closed at all (except in NH where 93 north was closed for a bit). If anything, the weather south of Boston was clear!

I went home via the city and the weather was exactly the same. Great south of Boston - fucking lousy blizzard of death just after I hit the Zakim. No accidents though, just a long ride.

Thank goodness for 4-wheel drive. When I finally got home there was at least a foot of snow in my driveway. Oh well.

The setlist was:

Ghost of Perdition
White Cluster
The Amen Corner
The Baying Of The Hounds
Under The Weeping Moon
The Grand Conjuration
The Drapery Falls

That might not be the exact order, but it's all the songs. Deliverance makes a great encore song.
Yep... Providence was fine, while Boston and points northward got hit with all the snow.

I'm very happy they played Under the Weeping Moon. T-Rat got the setlist, and Deliverance was abbreviated "Deli"! :p

Next time for encores, we are soooo yelling "DEMON OF THE DELI!!!!!"
first, thanks to you for the replies.

damn...i figured that south of boston wouldnt be that bad, but online they said 2-4 inches of show. but, i left from north of concord NH and yep, there were accidents everywhere, probably about ten, no lie. cars flipped, in ditches...someone even hit a light pole on the highway and took it completely down. and yea, 93 south was closed. i left at 3pm and hit the very worst of it i guess.

glad to hear it was a good show.

dtb's set?
Oh okay - When you said exit 7 on 93 I thought you meant in Mass. If you were coming from exit 7 in NH, then I can imagine the road was closed!
Great Opeth show, as always. The Drapery Falls was a surprise to me, a wonderful one at that.

I liked DTB, but personally Dark Tranquility put me to sleep. I just did not like them live, period.
As far as weather/highways go, I had no problem getting home to the south-eastern Mass area. There was one really bad accident that actually stopped the traffic flow for a minute, but it was fine otherwise. Show was inexplicably great, though. All I know is that The Devin Townshend Band's last song was Vampira, and everyone already told you Opeth's so that's as much help as I am, haha. Too bad you missed it, though.
Weather and highway closures be damned.
NH highway plowing is notoriously bad :lol:
My parents live in that same area that was closed.
I've driven in that kind of weather before, but I was driving a Jeep... and even then I wouldn't top 40 if there was snow on the road.
Hah..guess I'm glad I live where I do. All I saw was an SVU that didn't look like it contained any survivors, so to speak.
I came from Southern New Hampshire....the roads weren't that bad for us. We went Rts 202-119-2E-190S-146S - No accidents along the way...guess we got lucky.There was no snow in Providence to speak of either.