Anyone gonna see nevermore at

Woot! the 27th of october, If you've never been there your in for a treat, it's in a nice touristy part of Detroit :yuk: (lol). Whatchya look like, we can meet up and have many shots of Jaeger.....What brings you up from Kentucky to the ghetto's of D'town? o_O

Nevermore is bringing me up from KY hahahha....mY aunt lives there as well...and a friend of mine, his band is the opening act...POWND.
I should send you a pic...i suppose. Yeah, we should hook up. My brother (youngest one) and a few friends are going as well...hopefully ZANEX as well...

ZZZZ>>>The tickets are in richmond...Steve at botony bay has them....I Hurt steves feeling haha...he told me he had a gig and should go...i said where...he said DETROIT...opening for opeth...i said i would have to pass, he then said yeah and nevermore too...i said.."where did you say, and when?" hhahahah....i then told him "Im there"...hahaha.
Reverend Joint Smoker said:
Saginaw, holy shit, I was born and raised there........

Haha yeah, same here...just happen to still be here.

Reverend Joint Smoker said:
thursday's cool with me.....'cause that's an easy excuse to make a long weekend..........

Yeah..I think that's what is going to happen. I should be able to afford missing one lab period.

ledmag said:

Nevermore is bringing me up from KY hahahha....mY aunt lives there as well...and a friend of mine, his band is the opening act...POWND.
I should send you a pic...i suppose. Yeah, we should hook up. My brother (youngest one) and a few friends are going as well...hopefully ZANEX as well...

ZZZZ>>>The tickets are in richmond...Steve at botony bay has them....I Hurt steves feeling haha...he told me he had a gig and should go...i said where...he said DETROIT...opening for opeth...i said i would have to pass, he then said yeah and nevermore too...i said.."where did you say, and when?" hhahahah....i then told him "Im there"...hahaha.

ledmag, I know the guys in POUWND (or is it POWND?). Is Steve Watts at Botany playing guitar for them now? My friend and former bandmate, Dan Nichols, was in a band called OVID with Steve Watts and Clint McMain, drummer for POUWND now. I don't know if I let you hear the OVID 3 song E.P. (my name is in the credits) and I have the POUWND C.D. as well. When is the date of the show. I have vacation time I can take and I definitely want to go. I'll try calling you tonight.
Hell yeah I am! Two of my favorite bands touring together? How the fuck could I not go? It's not to far from Flint but I think I'm going to have to drive to Holland (MI) and back to pick up a friend for the show.
I really would like to see Opeth and Nevermore when they come through this area but I probably won't get to. :cry:
I can't go to Nevermore/Opeth in october. Trying to save money for a car and trying to find a job got in the way. :(
i cant wait to see nevermore in los angeles on Apr... Ju... wait...

Oh yea... Nevermore aren't coming to los angeles just so i can be sad and write emo poetry and lose interest and start listening to metalcore :(
Fuckers not coming to Vancouver... on the 14th of October... fuckers... I'm going anyway... but... Fuckers... Fuck....