Anyone got a spare two grand?

I dont think male pornstar make that much $ + i also dont think its your face that will be on the screen..
Fuck selling gear for bills, unless it's absolutely the only possible way to deal with them. It'll always haunt you. If I hadn't sold my snowboard to pay a huge phone bill (dial-up BBS times, anyone?) when I was fifteen, I'd have a great body, better health and loads of snowboarding chicks, and I would've never gotten into this satanic audio technology cult thing in the first place!
Well, look at the bright side: you can always touch some faders when you feel lonely... :p
I dont think male pornstar make that much $ + i also dont think its your face that will be on the screen..

They don't, unless it's m+m porn...then they make more than the females. Funny how that works out. I only know because I've heard "actresses" complain about how much they are making in comparison. I, however, have very little pity for them as they make tenfold what I make for simply lying down and....well, you know....