Anyone got an ETA on the U.S. release of Wings of Forever?


New Metal Member
Oct 28, 2002
Tucson, Arizona, USA
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I'm debating whether to break down and order it from overseas. I was kinda hoping to buy it at my local record shop (it's thanks to them I have Lost Horizon's CD and the new Hammerfall) but... Thanks in advance =).
Sweet, I just checked sentinalsteel, and they should have it soon :). Bad thing is my alternator died in my car and I'll have to wait 2 more weeks to pick up the album :(. Curses, foiled again.

Oh ,and thanks guys for letting me know :). I can hardly wait to get the new album.
Originally posted by Symphony
Thanks for the info Jay....I'll add that site to the list on the "Available here" thread

No probs. The End delivery normally takes 2-4 days.

Of course, I got impatient and ordered from overseas... :mad:

Oh well, all good things come to those who wait (a bit longer). :lol: