anyone got any questions for Ulver?

"Have you ever considered changing your name to AAA Ulver, so you don't have to end up at the end of the Rock/Pop section in music stores and two feet away from the Adult Contemporary section?"
: Is it true you were originally to be named DELORISVER?
Bring up why he cut his hair, sold out, stopped making hypnoticlly beautiful black metal to make crap. Also ask him if he knows how cool he looked in the picture inside of Bergtatt where hes standing ontop of the Norwegian mountain range,w ith the wind blowing in his hair. Then promptly ask him if he knows how fat and stupid he looks now. Oh yeah, and tell him to grow his hair, run in the woods, act like a troll again, and give us another masterpiece in the vein of Bergtatt, Kvelesanger, and Nattens Madrigal.

Hehhe, that is all. :p