anyone got any questions for Ulver?

Bambi said:
as him if he knows where thorns of zorro lives.
I live in your chode grundle biotch.

Anyways, Garm knows me, we fight crime together...

Me (left), and Garm (right)
these are great. i like the idea to call him by a different name each time.

"So, G-Money Tricksterpants- how many bags of Skittles could you eat before you barf up a rainbow of fruit flavors?"

"Say, Gorf- did you originally spell your name Trixter, but then get sued by the multi-billion dollar conglomerate that blossomed from the highly influential bombastic nebulariffic black metal band of the same namesake?"

ummm.. plans he has for his label jester records?

also, ever see his handwriting stuff? like the layout he did for Aura Noir's Black Thrash Attack? it's not real caligraphy stuff, just weird handwriting. maybe ask how much he got in royalties from doing that. (they even list it in the liner notes).

the handwriting one's not that good of a question, but it's worth knowing, maybe to ask what he's done in other art media.