anyone has any idea how to get intouch with the band??

Farouq Akef

New Metal Member
Oct 20, 2005
i was trying to get intouch with the band for it is such an importent matter if any1 knows any adress,email whatever that could be useful please post them here ...thanks
well, its not information im about to start giving out willy nilly just because you claim its "important" and "private". not to mention depending on what the matter is, i could probably tell you whether or not youd even get a response. but fine, suit yourself...happy hunting.
i need to send him a few samples wich i think he would be intrested in and another matter wich is really important and i don't think that would be usefull to any1
I do have Mike's mail too...but i don't think he would much appreciate everybody here knowing it !! I know he usually have a look on the forum..maybe HE'll contact you instead of you contacting him if he sees your message...but i definitaly can't give it to you, sorry, think that he's quite busy at the moment (american tour, problems with martin lopez etc etc)...