Have any relations to a band???

I had a gf once whose friend went out with Lars Ulrich back in the ...And Justice for All days. She was from Montreal and only 17 at the time. He (Lars) asked her parents if he could take her on tour with them, and they said yes (?). She was super-hot, as you may have guessed. They eventually broke up after several months and she went home. She said he was an egotistical fuck who drank too much and ran off at the mouth too much and he just wanted her as a toy and a trophy. Wow, no surprises there.

In other relations, my friend is Stomping Tom Connor's neice. Most of you won't know who that is, but for those that do, you can imagine her embarassment.

bite me,

I hung out back stage with Martin from Opeth when they played in Atlanta GA. Before he went on tour with Cradle of Filth i use to talk to Dave Pybus quite a bit on the internet and speaking of Gorgoroth their old singer (his real name is Thomas but i am not sure what he went by in the band) actually lives here in TN. now. We have been talking about starting a band and i see him often at shows around here. I know the guy who drives one of the tour buses for Pantera and i have got drunk and played Phil Anselmo's Playstation 2 :p on his bus.
I know a guy online from Trondheim, Norway, and he said he played D&D with Varg. And now he lives next door to Mayhem's drummer's gf.

Personally.. my aunt went out with Leonard Slatkin, who is the conductor for the US National Symphony. And I have some second cousin who's a virtuoso floutist.

My sister once received an earring from a friend who claimed it had once belonged to Donny Whalberg of the New Kids on the Block (this is in the early 1990s). She wore it for many years..
They aren't huge, but this area has a number of metal bands getting some attention: Garden of Shadows, Rain Fell Within, Brave, 40 Days Longing (no longer), and then some more brutal ones that i don't know very well.

40 Days Longing has now reformed as Betray My Trust, if anyone is interested. This is the group of guys that I grew up with basically, and who got me into metal.

And I was just at a party with those guys and Zdenka, Garden of Shadow's new singer, on Saturday. :cool:
I guess my band links are obvious, but for connections with non-band famous folks, I was good friends with Zoe Ball at college (we shared a couple of A-Level classes), and we were still in contact until a few years ago. That probably won't mean much to anyone outside the UK :)

My sister also made the top 10 of the UK charts a couple of years back with an excruciating song called "Tell Me Ma". The band was called Sham-Rock if you want to get it from Audiogalaxy and share in my horror.. Still, she made quite a bit of money out of it (which her husband then ran off with, but that's another story!).
Originally posted by Lina
They aren't huge, but this area has a number of metal bands getting some attention: Garden of Shadows, Rain Fell Within, Brave, 40 Days Longing (no longer), and then some more brutal ones that i don't know very well.

40 Days Longing has now reformed as Betray My Trust, if anyone is interested. This is the group of guys that I grew up with basically, and who got me into metal.

And I was just at a party with those guys and Zdenka, Garden of Shadow's new singer, on Saturday. :cool:

Wow, My old band is on a soulside productions compilation with 40 Days Longing......their track was probably my favorite on there......by the way my band was called Social Animosity...
Originally posted by leadfoot256
Wow, My old band is on a soulside productions compilation with 40 Days Longing......their track was probably my favorite on there......by the way my band was called Social Animosity...
Awesome, I love discovering connections like this! And yes, I have that comp too. :grin: I have to chuckle when I listen to 40 Days' song on there cause the production is so god awful. Your old band's song on there is good! I can't really get into the higher pitched death vocals (just a personal preference) but I like the music. What did you play? Don't say vocals. :cry: :tickled: Like I said, just a personal preference. So what ever happened to you guys? 40 Days went through all kinds of line-up changes and just never really clicked again. And unfortunately, in my opinion, the musical direction changed to a more doomy (i.e., boring as hell) sound. I haven't heard their new stuff as Betray My Trust.

The reason I mentioned them at all is because I followed that link to the Opeth interviews posted by Jim_LotFP in another thread, and I saw there was a Garden of Shadows interview, which mentioned 40 Days and the interviewer said he liked their EP, Head of the Demon. I don't know if you realize this, but the death vocals on the comp song is a girl (!), and now she's the singer for Garden of Shadows.

Sorry for the rambling. Just remembering the good ol' days. :p
yeah. :( i couldn't remember the names of the bands, so i never answered hoser (i think it was) when he asked. but here's one -- Lycia. Basically along the lines of Enya and Enigma (whom I DO like) but more obscure, slower, boring in my opinion. And then there's all these ridiculous genres they keep talking about like "shoegazer" and space rock shit. when i asked what shoegazer meant, i was told, "you know -- like gazing at your shoes." whatever the hell that means. so i can only imagine it's pretty gay (i apologize, there needs to be a non-offensive synonym for that). anyway, their new music as a band doesn't sound like that, but i'm pretty sure it's no longer metal.
Just had to digg this thread up again, to tell
everyone that a couple of days ago I found out;

A girl that I work with and have become friends
with is living in a collective,
and guess who's living there as well?!?!!!


Simen from Dimmu Borgir!
The old vocalist in Borknagar!
The man with the BRILLIANT voice! The man who
I have been a fan of since "Colossus"!!!!! :o))
Hehe... I think I'm going to faint! Lol.

This is unfair! She's not even into metal, and he's
running around "her" house singing and all that...
She's living with one of my gods! Hehehe...
Hum... I heard he KNOWS he has a good voice,
and that he thinks highly of himself...
And she cinfirmed it... but still..... Geeeees......
1. who is this lee_b ?sorry, newbie-question.
2. i know ALL the cool guys from mad clown! :loco:
... but apart from that, i sadly have no single connection to any band members in particular. oh wait, do you know Orkus? that's the most famous band i know someone of...
Uhm... I have a relative who's in the guinness book as the person with the world's largest piano repertoire. He can play some 6000 pieces (I think it was) by heart - it sounds awful, but he can.

Does that count? >P

Jean Sibelius was married to my great great great grandfather's (or some such) sister and there's one or two other composers up there in thre tree somewhere but I have no contemporary links that I can think of.

Still not a band though... ah well, I'll live.
Originally posted by Blackspirit
Just had to digg this thread up again, to tell
everyone that a couple of days ago I found out;

A girl that I work with and have become friends
with is living in a collective,
and guess who's living there as well?!?!!!

I am sorry this is a stupid question, but is a collective just like an apartment?:confused:
Originally posted by leadfoot256

I am sorry this is a stupid question, but is a collective just like an apartment?:confused:

Yeah, they share a big appartment with some
other people... One guy is in the band
Dödheimgard or something as well....
I never really liked that band so I can't recall
how to spell their name >:o) Then there's one
other guy and a couple of girls....
My friend's girlfriend knows Ishan's wife's brother over the internet. :loco:

If you have more pathetic one, I would like to hear about it...