Anyone have Empyrium or Ulver vinyl or shirts for sale/trade?

Yeah, i used to actually, but i sold it once when someone made me a very nice offer. even so, i regret selling it now. the only ulver vinyl i have now, is the 7" split with ulver and mysticum.
What was the price you sold the box for (if I can ask)?

I have the vinyl box set and the Vargnatt 10" vinyl. Sometimes I think about selling them because I´m not too interested in metal anymore. On the other hand Ulver is still one of my most favorite bands so I don´t really want to sell it...
Verago said:
What was the price you sold the box for (if I can ask)?

I have the vinyl box set and the Vargnatt 10" vinyl. Sometimes I think about selling them because I´m not too interested in metal anymore. On the other hand Ulver is still one of my most favorite bands so I don´t really want to sell it...

i sold the box set for about $150 let me know if you are interested in selling probably be interested in buying it from you if the price isnt too steep.