anyone heard more about the video??

BloodySwan said:
:hypno: Ahahahaha-haaa... ha... :erk: ... *grrrrrargh

Come to Westfalen / Ruhrgebiet and we're gonna check that out! Just you'n me ... (*nudelholz schwing*) :Smug:

Ok, I can borrow a camera. :Spin:
Hope that the rolling pin will fit in the concept of the video :rolleyes:

Ich wohn am Rand des Ruhgebiets, also hüte Dich. ;-)
Das war wirklich nur positiv gemeint was ich gesagt hab, hoffe daß es nicht falsch angekommen ist. Wirklich hübsch bist Du...mehr wollte ich eigentlich nicht zum Ausdruck bringen. :wave:
Unicorn said:
Ok, I can borrow a camera. :Spin:
Hope that the rolling pin will fit in the concept of the video :rolleyes:

Ich wohn am Rand des Ruhgebiets, also hüte Dich. ;-)
Das war wirklich nur positiv gemeint was ich gesagt hab, hoffe daß es nicht falsch angekommen ist. Wirklich hübsch bist Du...mehr wollte ich eigentlich nicht zum Ausdruck bringen. :wave:

"rolling pin"? what a strange name for that wooden thing ... and we all want a KATATONIA video and no fucked up BloodySwan pornstuff ... :err:

But I'm sure it'll be a great surprise... I love surprises *jumps around* =)

[Danke fuer die netten Worte, hab's auch keineswegs falsch aufgefasst (; oha, bis Bielefeld also nicht weit *g*]
JohnMS said:
Oh, Westfalen! Where abouts are you guys? I'm in Münster!

If we go on with this, we gonna turn this into a "German Katatonia-Fans"-Thread ... which wouldn't be thaaat bad 'coz we shouldn't speculate too much 'bout the video :loco: :grin:

Nah, I already said, I'm from Bielefeld ... and next time a blizzard breaks down your ehr, come over... warm up and we'll listen to all Katatonia stuff up'n down :Smug:
So much talking about naked girls and naked Katatonias! Isn`t there anyone who would like to see a naked ape in the video? I am always naked and nobody films me. Maybe I should move to a zoo and wait for Japanese tourists, they film everything.

Now playing: Alphaville- Big in Japan