Anyone heard the new Demiricous?


Apr 19, 2005
New Castle, Indiana
Eric Rutan produced and engineered it, the CD is called "II:Poverty". Curious to what you guys think. Demiricous are our bros from Indy, signed on Metal Blade. Their debut was recorded by Zeuss, so the contrast is pretty significant in production styles.

The kick is crazy loud on the latest CD, almost to the point it's unlistenable to me.
Uhh I think the newest stuff sounds pretty cool. I think this band is WAAAAAY better live than on CD in general though. It seems as if it doesn't translate as well as it does live. Anyway the Zeuss mix in my opinion wasn't all that great. I think the newer cd is better but I still don't think they have yet to capture the badassery that they get live. But then again I dont really care for zeuss or Rutan's productions, although Rutan HAS been getting way better. ANYWAY killer band though thrashtastic. \m/
Hmm, maybe it's just me then. The bass drum just sounds so loud on the mix that it completely dominates everything - and I like loud kicks.

And, I'd agree that neither album has captured their live feel. Their demos recorded here in Indy by a dude named Joel Lauver are/were much better in capturing their essence. Joel's known more in metalcore circles, and uses a heap o' compression (more than I like), but he was able to wrangle an energy and urgent sound from them that made their Metal blade releases seem weak in comparison.