anyone heard the new Parkway drive?

How god damn annoying are the vocal effects at some points too.

Apparently Adam D just didn't have time to record them, or so I've heard. I hate the way they sort of talk Adam D down in that studio video as well. I would say he made at least a considerable contribution to their current success. Also, the whole "We used 6 different snares" thing makes all the dudes in my band laugh. The way it sounds to me, they should have said "We used 6 different snares and then just triggered in a sample so it makes no difference anyway".
Since Killing With A Smile (one of my top 5 album's ever), Parkway Drive have declined in every way possible. Songs writing, production, live show, live performance. There was a few good songs on Horizons, but it just felt so stale and that snare sample was SOOO loud.

The new album is not only a bad mix, but the song writing's terrible. I haven't been able to listen to it properly yet cos its so bad.

A tip though, if you wanna listen to it in your car and actually judge the music and not the mix every time you hear it, turn the bass waaay down and the mid up a little. It then sounds like a passable mix.
This mix actually sounds fucking good in the car. Kicks definitely have some weird shit going on, and it's not as well balanced as it maybe should've been but I'm digging it a bit now. Somebody try and tell me the snare doesn't fucking rule?!

not in my car it doesn't, when I listen to this album at a normal volume when I'm driving all I can hear is the kick and vocals, guitars get completely drowned out

Parkway Drive:

[end of thread]
turn the pics around and you have the exact pictures of each bands fan:)

I like the production of ne pwd and the songs.

the production isnt that typical and I enjoy that extremly!!!!
it is brutal and raw but sounds on the other hand much better then the unearth cd with the same attempt
turn the pics around and you have the exact pictures of each bands fan:)
Hahah! Well played, sir!

IMO Meshuggah got extremely boring after DEI (and yes, I listen to other droney type stuff such as Esoteric - not the same thing but eh) but it's just my opinion and nobody really cares anyway!

So how about the SNARE?
Gotta chuck my 2 cents in for sure on this one!
First of all, I can safely admit to being a Parkway fan despite being a huge metal head blah blah blah. I've like there last attempts overall, even the horizons mix didn't bother me to badly...

But this... pretty disappointed with the turn out. The mix is plain balls IMO.. the guitars aren't exactly any better than horizons. The music isn't as fresh or.. what am I trying to say... the music just doesn't sound like a hungry band looking for the next success to sink their teeth into, it's almost a plateu.

Then again, i think the producer plays a big role in it. Joey has proved this, Ermin has shown me this, and Joe obviously hasn't done this sort of thing before, so for all he knows, the band could have been from the gutter and he wouldn't know *my opinion of course*
The D man just knows his shit about the genre, what works and what doesn't, it's simply a shame they couldn't work with him, maybe next time :)
I dig Horizons a lot more. I'm not a big fan of the band, but I can appreciate Horizons for what it is... simple metalcore with catchy, heavy riffs and a solid, hard hitting mix. I think both the catchy riffs and great sounding mix are missing on the new one... it's not terrible. It just doesn't stand up to their previous material...
Yeah I dont really like the mix either. However, the breakdwn at :40 in Unrest really kicked me in the balls. They got that part right haha
I think this album's mix is really good!
well, the kick might be a bit loud, but that helps a bit with the "standing in front of the stage"-feeling.
the lowend is extremely big but still tight.

not the typical sneap-style mix, but good nonetheless and I always think it's cool when a band decides to not sound like 1000000000 other bands out there...this mix transports the aggression quite nicely, so it's doing what it's supposed to I think.
worst part is. in there studio blogs. the dude producing them is having a pop at adam d's production saying..and i quote

" what is that? that sounds like a fart "

hurr hurr derp derp?!
I dig Horizons a lot more. I'm not a big fan of the band, but I can appreciate Horizons for what it is... simple metalcore with catchy, heavy riffs and a solid, hard hitting mix. I think both the catchy riffs and great sounding mix are missing on the new one... it's not terrible. It just doesn't stand up to their previous material...

I think this album's mix is really good!
well, the kick might be a bit loud, but that helps a bit with the "standing in front of the stage"-feeling.
the lowend is extremely big but still tight.

not the typical sneap-style mix, but good nonetheless and I always think it's cool when a band decides to not sound like 1000000000 other bands out there...this mix transforts the aggression quite nicely, so it's doing what it's supposed to I think.
i'm kind of between these.. i think the songwriting has gotten worse.. not as catchy. and the production is good being different and all.. but there are a few things that i would do differently, thus making the mix several times better after these simple changes...

not as good as it SHOULD HAVE been.