Anyone Heard This Band? I like them: 12 Foot Ninja

Palabra de Dios

Heavy Metal Weatherman
Mar 22, 2005
St. Joseph, MO
I really don't care TOO much for the Sirius Satellite Radio metal channel. It plays good stuff maybe 50-60% of the time. Other time it's terrible radio rock, metalcore, Lamb of God, and other type shit. But if I'm bored I'll switch over and see what's playing. And I heard this band, and was intrigued. Twelve Foot Ninja. WTF??

Then I went home and streamed their album. And it's weird, and not always metal - in fact at times it borders on radio rock (especially vocally and sometimes in guitar tone) - but has some really cool jazzy bits, proggy parts, electronic parts, and really fun songs. It's certainly not the common denominator when it comes to this type of music. They're from Australia and have just the one album, Silent Machine, and a few EPs. Some of you might really enjoy this, so I'll link a few songs:

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