Anyone here dig ORANGE SKY?

Purveyor Of Evil

Heavy Metal, INC.
Mar 17, 2003
Hughestown, PA.
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A very cool band from Trinidad. Talk about a breath of fresh air. Metal, reggae, calypso, and hard rock rolled into one. These guys would be a great Progpower addition in the near future! ORANGE SKY for PP8! So different, yet so intriguing!:headbang:
With the amount of true power/prog bands out there, I can personally do without them. I saw them open for Yngwie, and yes, they were different, but definitely not for PP!!!
Bob Marley meets Pantera, for those hwo need a general description. THeir drummer has some serious chops too! they'd be a good PRE-PARTY band, not biig enough for mainstage though at all.
I saw them last Friday open up for Malmsteen, but they didn't blow me away or anything. They do have somewhat of a fresh sound, but it tends to get a little boring after awhile though. Maybe the studio stuff is better than their live show?
edgeofthorns said:
I saw them last Friday open up for Malmsteen, but they didn't blow me away or anything. They do have somewhat of a fresh sound, but it tends to get a little boring after awhile though. Maybe the studio stuff is better than their live show?

So how was Malmsteen?? Thinking about going to this show at the end of the month.
Well, I just got home from Yngwie/Orange Sky. Wow, what a performance. My firends band played on the other stage, so I missed almost half the OS set, the second half I caught sounded amazing, I saw them in Dec w/ Yngwie, and they sounded amazing, I bought thier CD, and talked to 3/5 members of the band, who were all some of the nicest guys I've talked to in a while, their accents were sweet as well!

Yngwie, was Yngwie, and becuase of that, I was in awe for 12 minutes, gradually got bored the next 18, and left right at the half hour mark.

I highly reccomend their album "upstairs" its a bit on the lighter side, I get an almost Alice in Chains-like vibe from this, I can't explain it, as it really isnt THAT close to AIC in any aspect.
edgeofthorns said:
I saw them last Friday open up for Malmsteen, but they didn't blow me away or anything. They do have somewhat of a fresh sound, but it tends to get a little boring after awhile though. Maybe the studio stuff is better than their live show?

I was at this show with thorns and I agree with thorns. They were okay but not my bag. Malmsteen BTW kicked major ass. :headbang:

They did not allow cameras but i took a few pics with my cell phone. Not great pics but it is all i have.






Megametal said:
So how was Malmsteen?? Thinking about going to this show at the end of the month.

Malmsteen put on a great show, but Doogie's vocals were barely audible. To be honest, I'm not sure why the guy was even there.........oh yeah, he introduced Yngwie J. Malmsteen to us at least four different times, so I guess that's why he's on the tour! :) He included the J so we won't get him confused with the rest of the Yngwie Malmsteens in the world. :rolleyes:
General Zod said:
This is the exact reaction I have to Yngwie as well.

As for Orange Sky, I'm intruiged.


Orange Sky can be played on MTV at any moment now. From what I can tell, they offer the same radio rock that's being played, with a dab of reggae. They're probably great guys to talk to, but I can't imagine being very awe struck of their music any time soon. Maybe I'll change my mind later....
Rider of Theli said:
reggae? calypso? :puke:

*shudder* sorry, but neither of those belong in METAL.

please note that this is the first time I have ever used the 'puking' emote on any forums. :p
I'm sure people said that about orchestras and classical music, too in the beginning. Just because Orange Sky adds new elements doesn't make them any less metal than anyone else. I know they're not progressive, but isn't the idea of "progressive" to be unique, think outside of the box, and deviate from the norm? Orphaned Land added their ethnic elements and quite a few people here on this forum went totally apeshit for them. Therefore, Orange Sky IMO is a fantastic candidate for Progpower.
Emerald Sword said:
I'm sure people said that about orchestras and classical music, too in the beginning...

people may have said that in the beginning, and I'm certain there's plenty of naysayers out there to this day, but in my opinion 'classical' and 'symphonic' music blends well with metal due to the fact that both can sound bombastic.

I'm simply of the opinion that Reggae music is not good music. Repeat: my opinion. And for that fact, I do not want to hear it mixed in with metal music. If you like Orange Sky, that's great. I hope they do well because I won't hold any artist back from performing their music. But should they ever find there way to ProgPower, I'd have to use their set for my 'break'. :p
Rider of Theli said:
people may have said that in the beginning, and I'm certain there's plenty of naysayers out there to this day, but in my opinion 'classical' and 'symphonic' music blends well with metal due to the fact that both can sound bombastic.

I'm simply of the opinion that Reggae music is not good music. Repeat: my opinion. And for that fact, I do not want to hear it mixed in with metal music. If you like Orange Sky, that's great. I hope they do well because I won't hold any artist back from performing their music. But should they ever find there way to ProgPower, I'd have to use their set for my 'break'. :p
Actually, I hate reggae, but the positives far out weigh the negatives when it comes to this band. I don't recall if I saw anything in your posts that you even heard ORANGE SKY yet.
Have I heard Orange Sky? no, I haven't.

...isn't the idea of "progressive" to be unique, think outside of the box, and deviate from the norm?

you're right. and perhaps someday I may be open minded enough to listen to Orange Sky's material. But for now, I'll continue shunning anything reggae - including Morgana Lefay if 'Santified' is considered reggae.

And I do love what I've heard of Morgana Lefay so far. I own about four of their albums now.