Anyone here a fan of Saviour Machine?

Palabra de Dios

Heavy Metal Weatherman
Mar 22, 2005
St. Joseph, MO
Saviour Machine is one of my favorite metal bands. In my opinion, I think they would be an awesome addition to a future ProgPower lineup.:headbang:

Who here is a fan of this tremendous band? Anyone?
Right here man, I'm a HUGE fan of Saviour Machine. But...i dont know about them coming to progpower. They aren't IMO exactly the type of band to play at a show with a bunch of other metal bands...and also, i dont know if you've seen some of the stuff they do in concert..but I seriously doubt Glenn would allow the stuff they do at progpower.
loved Clayton's work on the latest Ayreon cd though!
Theandromedastrain said:
i dont know if you've seen some of the stuff they do in concert..but I seriously doubt Glenn would allow the stuff they do at progpower.

What kind of stuff do they do that wouldn't be allowed? You mean anything really wild, or just the preaching?
I think Saviour Machine has talent... I have their first 4 albums, the first 2 are reasonably good spacey prog rock / metal... but especially on their "Legend" albums, they get way too ambient, and most of the songs lose focus. I actually just listened to those 2 "Legend" discs the other day, and was able to crystalize the problem I have with them... at the start of Legend Part I, I was thinking "this is a very cool intro"... but then it seemed like the intro never ended. Track 1 blends into track 2, into track 3... I was through track 5, and it still sounded like a long intro. The whole time I'm waiting for a real riff, or... *something* to kick in that I can grab on to... and... nothing.

Then, by Legend Part II, not only do you have the not-really-going-anywhere music, but Clayton is trying to cram so much story into the 78 minutes of album that he often just gives up on singing vocal melodies at all, and instead just talks over the meandering music.

Like I said... they do have talent... but personally, I really don't feel like I need any more of their increasingly oddly numbered albums. (Legend Part III:II? What the hell? Why not just Legend Part IV?)
I love Saviour Machine, I got turned on to them while in Greece in 2002. Eric clayton has one of those voices that just captures you and brings you into the music.
I'm a SM fan as well. I have most of their discs. I bought most of them from Ken Golden at LaserCD. I noticed the other day that he's restocked their Live disc, which is the only one that I don't have.

Actually, I'd love to see Saviour Machine at the festival! They sure as heck wouldn't fall into the same ol', same ol' category, that's for sure! :)

The only disc that I don't care for from them is Part II of the Triology. It really has never went anywhere for me. I'd have to say that their debut and Part III of the triology are my favorites so far.
They don't really fit in at ProgPower but they are one of my favorite bands. For the same reason everybody else is mentioning: ERIC CLAYTON!
Eric Clayton has a great voice, but I agree the band is a bit too ambient for my taste most of the time. I definitely feel the endless-intro vibe. I think it's great what they're trying to do though.
I am a huge fan! I've only been into them for about a year and only have Legend I and II, and the new 4 CD Rarities/Revelations so far. But I just love 'em. Funny thing about those first 5 songs on Legend I - they're my absolute favorite. Different strokes...

Sumeet said:
What kind of stuff do they do that wouldn't be allowed? You mean anything really wild, or just the preaching?

I've heard a lot of reference to their controverial stage theatrics. Never having seen them, I am not entirely sure what the specifics are (the face paint gets a lot of press, as do things involving blood). The "pulled plug" incident in Minneapolis is legendary. The Christian club here in town booted them from the stage four songs into their set. For a Christian club to boot a Christian band, there's gotta be out-of-the-ordinary things going on.

Here's an interview with Eric Clayton on the subject:

This quote from it might shed some light:

"The owners personally told us why they pulled the plug and so forth, and they were just convinced that we were heathens. They were just convinced that we weren't of Christ because of the imagery that was on stage. We tried to explain to them the this is art. And some of the imagery is disturbing and some of it is intense, but this is the world that we live in. This is not only a spiritual message, but this is also a very strong political and social statement that we're making here. They just didn't see it that way, I guess. But the bottom line is that there was just too much of a gap between what we were doing and what they thought we should be doing. A very conservative place. A place that brings in Christian metal bands and considers themselves on the cutting edge, but at the same time, how many Christian metal bands are on the cutting edge?"

I will see this band live before they hang up their hats, no matter the cost or the distance I must travel.
I simply LOVE Saviour Machine! I consider myself extremely fortunate to have had the pleasure of seeing them perform live more than once. One of the shows was Halloween night 1999 in Elgin, IL @ the Wonderland Ballroom with Wedding Party and my dearest friends Rackets & Drapes! If you ever look at past photos of SM shows, you'll see references to a cross of fire on the flag, and the SM mask in the flames - those were taken that same night. I will never forget that event for as long as I live. Truly one of the most spectacular live performaces I have *ever* seen. Even after the last 5 years of PP..

Sumeet said:
(Legend Part III:II? What the hell? Why not just Legend Part IV?)

I'll tell you why. The Legend series is all about Biblical prophecy. Legend I covers the words of the prophets in the Old Testament books. Legend II is the prophecies of the New Testament, up to Revelations. Then Legend III is taken from the Book of Revelations only, but because it's so intensive, it will take two volumes. Hence III:I & III:II... III:II is supposed to be coming out soon. Of course I've been hearing that for years now. Literally.
SeaStorm said:
I've heard a lot of reference to their controverial stage theatrics.

That is absolutely ridiculous! I didn't hear about the "pulled plug" incident! Sheesh! Their "stage antics" aren't controversial if you're open to representation through interpretation and can accept that the Bible is filled with blood and guts! I think people are just scared off by the whiteface makeup and turqouis jewelry on his forehead. Or maybe it was the flag of Jerusalem soaked in lamb's blood draped around his shoulders? I got it...

SeaStorm quoting Eric Clayton said:
And some of the imagery is disturbing and some of it is intense, but this is the world that we live in.

Gee, you'd think that these Christian club owners had NEVER READ THE BIBLE.

BTW, in a similar vein, I heartily endorse the band Virgin Black.
I knew of some of their controversial theatrics, but have not heard of the pulling of the plug incident either. Very interesting.

I am also glad to see some love for this band. Awesome, guys.
That is why I do not support that only christian club. It is still around and I wanted to hit some shows. But I do not like the way they opperate.
sh0kr0k said:
I simply LOVE Saviour Machine! I consider myself extremely fortunate to have had the pleasure of seeing them perform live more than once. One of the shows was Halloween night 1999 in Elgin, IL @ the Wonderland Ballroom with Wedding Party and my dearest friends Rackets & Drapes! If you ever look at past photos of SM shows, you'll see references to a cross of fire on the flag, and the SM mask in the flames - those were taken that same night. I will never forget that event for as long as I live. Truly one of the most spectacular live performaces I have *ever* seen. Even after the last 5 years of PP..

I'll tell you why. The Legend series is all about Biblical prophecy. Legend I covers the words of the prophets in the Old Testament books. Legend II is the prophecies of the New Testament, up to Revelations. Then Legend III is taken from the Book of Revelations only, but because it's so intensive, it will take two volumes. Hence III:I & III:II... III:II is supposed to be coming out soon. Of course I've been hearing that for years now. Literally.

I got into SM too late for the Elgin show but I was at the 2001 Cornerstone show when Legend III:I was first released. That was probably the hottest night of my life, an extremely humid midwestern July day with temp of 100+. But it was all worth it. He didn't burn the US flag or use any other fire due to the heat. The makeup held up okay considering the sweat that was pouring off him .

And originally Legend III was going to be a double CD. But the long length of recording, etc. caused a rethinking of the original plan and to release part of it earlier.

BTW, the DVD set is pretty awesome, EC burns the UN flag that has 9-11-01 written in blood (for those that are into flames :) ).