DREAMTONE one hell of a band from Turkey


Old as Yoda
Jan 11, 2005
I just got this CD yesterday DREAMTONE "Sojourn", and i was very surprised. It is a cross between SHADOW GALLERY, SAVIOUR MACHINE, with a little KAMELOT and SYMPHONY X thrown in for good measure. The vocals are what amazed me, Eric Clayton style with haunting melodies like Kamelot. The musicianship is outstanding, like Shadow Gallery, with alittle of SX thrown in to keep your attention. I guess SHADOW GALLERY like these guys because the special guest is none other than Gary Wehrkamp of Shadow Gallery. I have played this Cd over and over, and each time i hear something different, I believe this will make it into my top 10 for 2006, this is amazing stuff. Right now the only place you can get it or hear clips is at The End records website. In my opinion it is an amazing CD, but of course that is my opinion, and my taste kinda go to the off beat type Progressive Metal.:headbang:
Inspired by your description here, I just HAD to go check them out immediately, and I'll be damned if this isn't some great, dark yet melodic metal (at least, the two minutes of it that I heard). This will be on my next order from The End. Good call!
I'm not a fan of Shadow Gallery but this band sounds like it could be quite cool :)

oh, by the way I know where they got that cover: I'd swear it was this guy, but I think he may have taken it down since the band may have 'bought' it. Who knows... It was on DA at some point. :D

too bad the band's download page is under construction :)
Kenneth R. said:
I'm not a fan of Shadow Gallery but this band sounds like it could be quite cool :)

oh, by the way I know where they got that cover: I'd swear it was this guy, but I think he may have taken it down since the band may have 'bought' it. Who knows... It was on DA at some point. :D

too bad the band's download page is under construction :)
Yout got that right, Kerem Beyit is the artist who did all the cover and booklet illustrations for the DREAMTONE cd. He has done some others also, but right off hand i can't remember which ones.
I love what Dreamtone has accomplished thus far in their musical careers. I cannot wait to see what the future holds for them. I cannot wait to hear the new album either.!! I was just told it was on it's way!! (Thanks Og!!) Lets hope to see them at a future PP!!

Pyramaze51 said:
I just got this CD yesterday DREAMTONE "Sojourn", and i was very surprised. It is a cross between SHADOW GALLERY, SAVIOUR MACHINE, with a little KAMELOT and SYMPHONY X thrown in for good measure. The vocals are what amazed me, Eric Clayton style with haunting melodies like Kamelot. The musicianship is outstanding, like Shadow Gallery, with alittle of SX thrown in to keep your attention. I guess SHADOW GALLERY like these guys because the special guest is none other than Gary Wehrkamp of Shadow Gallery. I have played this Cd over and over, and each time i hear something different, I believe this will make it into my top 10 for 2006, this is amazing stuff. Right now the only place you can get it or hear clips is at The End records website. In my opinion it is an amazing CD, but of course that is my opinion, and my taste kinda go to the off beat type Progressive Metal.:headbang:

Thanks for the info on this band, I ordered this cd and I am impressed. Great sounding band. Thanks for the tip on these guys!
After one listen, I'm a bit lukewarm on it.

I love the vocals, and I think most people here will hate them; he reminds me of the guy from Divided Multitude in tone and delivery.

I love the darkness, or at least quasi-darkness. ("You are quasi-evil. You are semi-evil. You're the margarine of evil. You're the Diet Coke of evil. Just one calorie -- not evil enough!")

I haven't heard much Shadow Gallery, because I don't like them, but I suppose, heaviness-wise, that's a good comparison. Given that Divided Multitude is also about this heavy, I'd say they would be another good comparison for Dreamtone, but DM strikes me as being faster-paced, and more "exciting". Dreamtone is significantly less heavy than 90% of what I listen to these days, and it tends to lose my attention after a while. They're very good, but, like Green Carnation, another very good band, they don't hold my interest for very long, and my attention starts to wander.

I hate the little interludes that pop in between every song or two. The only discs where I think these types of interludes add anything are Virgin Steele - The House of Atreus, Acts I and II, and that's because those discs are a retelling of a greek tragedy, and the albums themselves rely heavily on drama. On every other album, they break up the continuity and the energy of the disc. That said, perhaps they do add something to the continuity, in context with the concept of the album. I don't know; I don't usually start paying attention to concept/lyrics unless I really love a disc.

Overall, it's good, but I don't know how many listens it's going to get from me. I need to put in some Ram-Zet and thrash out. :)
Hi friends, this is Oganalp from Dreamtone.

Batmura's suggestion about Amazon.com reminded me of directing any listeners who are interested in getting the CD to The End Records and to MUSEA as Amazon.com's percentages and cuts are VEEERY high and it surely means "bankrupt" for small labels and bands like us :).

If you are interested in getting the CD of Dreamtone, we kindly ask you to go to www.theendrecords.com as they offer nice prices and their dealings are very much trustworthy.

Thank you for your interest in Dreamtone in anyway and thank you for your kind words.

Oganalp :)
