Link-n-learn Vol 1: Tiamat


Sep 7, 2002
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So I'm going to make an effort to include links on my posts whenever possible so that it's as easy as possible for any interested parties to check out a band with a mere click. Additionally, I think I'll try to throw up a link to a cool band every now and then under this link-n-learn thing. If you're interested, click it. If not, don't. I'm not looking for anyone/everyone to love or like what I link but I'd expect some intelligence in any responses. If you haven't heard a linked band since 1981, don't tell me they suck because they sucked back in 1981. Try it or don't but don't be a fuckwad. Thanks!

So my first link, Tiamat, comes as a result of the Porcupine Tree/mellow metal post. To me, this band is every bit as metal as Slayer only they are on the polar opposite end of the metal spectrum. This is atmosphere and to my ears a totally metal atmosphere. I think it's safe to say that not many of us here are living the Tommy Lee circa 1985 lifestyle everyday and as such I think this has a place in anyone's collection. This is "chill" as the kids say today. :)

Is it boring? Yep, to those who want to slam their heads all the time. For those of us that have other feelings and senses, this is a bad mother fucker of a band. Download the "Divided" track under the multimedia section to try it out!

Finally, this is NOT the same style of Tiamat circa 1995!! This band has turned into something completely different and for my 2 bucks, they are a welcome breath of fresh air. Personal favorites: Judas Christ and Skeleton Skeletron. :headbang:
I also think "Wildhoney" is a very solid album -- my favorite of theirs in fact. Tiamat are nothing if not inventive as they've never been afraid to change musical directions, at times even rather abruptly. I'd love to see this band live one day.

I do like the newer releases, "Judas Christ" and "Prey", as well so I'm kind of all over the Tiamat board myself.
Yeah, there are bands like this and Lake of Tears that really keep you on your toes. You never know quite what to expect. For instance, when the Lucyfire cd was released, I knew I'd hear that Tiamat voice. I did not know that I'd hear a pop-metal style on the cd. That being said, "The Pain Song" is just fucking incredible and rates as one of my favorite videos of all time. Just plain cool.
There are also 2 really cool Wildhoney box sets that were issued back in the day through EMP. I have one that has a limited edition tshirt and some other stuff (I can't recall right now) and the second, I believe, comes with a jar of honey. If I could find that box intact I would be very pleased! Anyone?
There are times the band has lost me, and gotten into *too* much of a "chill" vibe for my tastes, but as far as ambient, ethereal, but still metallic albums go, Wildhoney is definitely among the best ever made. The previous disc, Clouds, is cool too... heavier, but the songwriting wasn't as refined at that earlier point. I've never heard the first 2 discs, Sumerian Cry and The Astral Sleep.

A Deeper Kind Of Slumber, the disc after Wildhoney, is the one I was referencing the most when I said they got into too much of a chill vibe at times for me. The followup, Skeleton Skeletron, while yet another noticeable shift in sound, has some cool, catchy stuff, and I like it quite a bit. Looking back at it now, it seems like I stopped following the band as closely after that point. I have their 2 latest releases, Judas Christ and Prey, but haven't given them that much listening time (especially Prey)... which is something I should rectify.
*bringing an old topic back to life*
I bought their new album Amanethes today, and I would advice it to anyone who likes Tiamat... This new album is like a summary of all the sounds they had, it sounds new and so much Tiamat-like at the same time. Might be my personal favourite of the year...