Weakest link at PPVI??

rockyracoon said:
notice how my question was ended with, "IF ANY." im not trying to be a downer or attack any band specifically. but im not naive enough to think every band can be at the top of their game 100% of the time. good bands, even great bands have off nights or are just plain not received well, for a multitude of reasons. also, i used the words "potential letdown." for example, say a band has a deep catalog and because of that, they may not touch on the material you are looking for. doesnt necessarily mean anything negative towards them, but just that you may be personally letdown.

General Zod said:
Not true. I suggested that Circus Maximus might suffer following Manticora. I think there are a number of Prog bands who can hold their own. It all comes down to the energy level of the music, and the energy level of the musicians playing it.


Absolutely. CM is a bit mellow. Their music is enjoyable, but there is a lack of aggression in their style and it won't be as exciting live as Manticora. Good point Zeg !!

FatesFan said:
That question has no answer. What may be weak to one person may be the greatest to others. There are bands on this bill that I have no interest in seeing, however, I am not going to say they are the weakest link because those band may the only reason others are going. Is all relative to your personal likes. Therefor there is no answer.

Well thought out reply. I am a huge Vanden Plas fan and they blew me away at PPIV. Some people didn't really care for them though. To each his own. If everyone out there didn't like one of the bands on the bill, they wouldn't be out there in the first place. Glenn isn't going to book someone who doesn't sell any releases.

This thread reminds me of the press coverage that sports teams receive before the big game, tournament, bowl game, etc. There's always people underestimating what a team can do, especially when people expect little out of them, at game time. I think this thread may work same way, on a smaller scale of course!

Take for instance Silent Song's response of Stratovarius. IMO, most people are counting this band out or expecting very little results from this band. Why? I'm not sure, but I'm guessing due to the negative things that have been released about these guys in the past.

My advice to all of you expecting Strat to suck, wait until after the show, then make up your mind. My guess is, that these guys know what they're doing! :) They've kind of been doing this for awhile, so let's wait and see......
Hmm - good question. The only thing could be a let down is if 3/4 of the attendies showed up wearing the same damn Blind Guardian t-shirt. Oh wait.... that already happened.
RockyRaccoon is just looking for some realistic feedback here. Obviously, opinions are going to differ. However, we're all entitled to our opinions, and seeing as how this is a forum used for the purpose of expressing those opinions, I can't see why anybody feels the need to attack somebody for having a particular view or for asking for other people's perspectives. As long as you know why you like or dislike something, why should you let what anyone else says bother you? I say let the people speak.

Stay metal. Never rust.
Ralf Walter said:
Hmm - good question. The only thing could be a let down is if 3/4 of the attendies showed up wearing the same damn Blind Guardian t-shirt. Oh wait.... that already happened.
I would be very disappointed if that didn't happen... :tickled:
Met-Al said:
RockyRaccoon is just looking for some realistic feedback here. Obviously, opinions are going to differ. However, we're all entitled to our opinions, and seeing as how this is a forum used for the purpose of expressing those opinions, I can't see why anybody feels the need to attack somebody for having a particular view or for asking for other people's perspectives. As long as you know why you like or dislike something, why should you let what anyone else says bother you? I say let the people speak.

Stay metal. Never rust.

thank you sir!