Destruction Of Oz festival

They should be up next year sometime. I don't think they're playing again this year. They're meant to be recording a new album soon, which will hopefully have better production than the last one.....
:lol: Why do you hate that guy so much Koichi? I dont even know who he is but im intrigued at what he did to incur the wrath of the koich...
I prefer the demo with Danny singing over the album with Ric singing. Partly because of the vocals but mainly because the production is better on the demo and the drums sound a bit more suited, he doesn't overplay as much.


This is his good friend Danny :grin: His hair is way longer now, past his knees I think. Awesome awesome awesome singer (best in Australia imo), and a good frontman too :) That photo is of Pegazus live.
I like Danny. He's a really cool person too I think, he's always friendly and really down to earth and seems to care about everyone.
You know what would amuse me forever, If i could find out where he lives, then one night when he was sleeping, shave it all off. Then piss on him so he wakes up see all his hair, starts crying. Then i could pour petrol on him and set him on fire.

Yeah that would amuse me forever.