Anyone here familiar with PayPal disputes?


May 3, 2006
So I seem to have gotten myself in a bit of a legal situation, and thought I'd see if anyone on here has had a similar problem.

A month ago, I saw an ad on Ebay for a used "Custom Shop ESP Explorer." You can see that auction page here: ( This guitar looked pretty kickass, road-worthy, had good pickups in it, etc etc. and such a cheap price for a custom shop model?? Of course I bought it.

Imagine my surprise when it finally arrives, and...has a bolt-on neck. WTF? The guitar also lacks a few other features that come standard on even LTD models (no Earvana nut, for instance). The electronics are rusted and don't work very well. This guitar is worthless, custom shop or not.

I call up the person who sold it to me, and ask if I can return it. No dice-- they already spent the money from my payment, so they can't give me a refund. And furthermore, this lady insists she sold me a perfectly good and valuable instrument, and I have no reason to complain. Hence, the dispute on PayPal.

Sorry for the long post. If anyone on here has had to deal with crap like this, I'm curious to hear how it turned out. Thanks.
i had the same situation. i bought a les paul and when it arrived it was a fake. i did the dispute thing with pay pal and within 24 hours i got all of my money back. as far as they were concerned it was settled. so i emailed the guy who sold it to me telling him i would gladly send it back if he sent me a shipping call tag. i waited three weeks for him to deal with the shipping. He finally sends me a package and im thinking its the shipping stuff i need to send it back to him but to my suprise he sends me a guitar lol ... so i got my money back and a free knock off les paul.. my band raffled it off at a show and we made 125 bucks off the deal.. pay pal is really good about this kind of stuff....good luck.
24 hours?? Holy crap....these guys have had me hanging for a couple of weeks now! I hope they're as cool about my situation as they were with yours. And that story is hilarious and awesome.
24 hours?? Holy crap....these guys have had me hanging for a couple of weeks now! I hope they're as cool about my situation as they were with yours. And that story is hilarious and awesome.

yeah man it was actually less than 24 hours. i emailed pay pal before i left for practice and when i got home it was settled. I did however learn my lesson "if its from china and sounds way to good to be true IT IS" Maybe i just got lucky with pay pal. I hope it works out for you it would suck ass to loose on a deal like this. Ebay sellers like this should be shot.
Yeah...if I somehow end up keeping this piece of crap guitar, I'm going to sell it, then use the money to buy a plane ticket to wherever this woman lives, and I'm going to punch her in the face.
Didn't someone in your band (I think you) just rip some dude off of a fucking Caparison? It's most likely you since you probably created a new account after you did that since you only have a few posts on here. If so, what goes around comes around and fuck you. If you're not that dude, fuck you anyways for being in a band with a fucking snake. Sorry man, hate to see people getting fucked, you know? If you've kicked him out of the band or something like that then I apologize, but you're Remy, right? OOPS better make a new name on UM...
Actually, cocktaster, my name is Mark. Not Remy. I never sold anyone any Caparison. So fuck YOU, buddy.

Considering how much of an asshole you're being, I'm assuming that you are the dude who attempted to buy that Caparison -- and if you are, then fuck you twice, because I know the other side of that story, and you're a complete idiot.
Didn't someone in your band (I think you) just rip some dude off of a fucking Caparison? It's most likely you since you probably created a new account after you did that since you only have a few posts on here. If so, what goes around comes around and fuck you. If you're not that dude, fuck you anyways for being in a band with a fucking snake. Sorry man, hate to see people getting fucked, you know? If you've kicked him out of the band or something like that then I apologize, but you're Remy, right? OOPS better make a new name on UM...

Looks like someone doesn't get laid. :lol::lol::lol:
Rumor I heard is that people who usually talk about gay stuff all the time are usually gay themselves...what a concept.

But really, I am honored that some dude who joined the forum like 9 months ago used his first post to insult me like that.
This is starting to get REAL entertaining.

For the record: right below my name it says "Join date: May 2006." That's 2 years ago. I did not suddenly create this account to pretend I am someone else. I don't have many posts because I mainly come on here to read stuff and occasionally ask for help, like a lot of people. I also happen to be in a band with some pretty upstanding individuals who i conaider my friends, and I don't appreciate some fool calling us "snakes" or whatever.

Anyways...yeah so if anyone still remembers what the original post was about, and can help, that'd be real cool.
Yeah I'm blind. My computer screen has Braille on it.

Actually, I'm just trying to make it clear to others on here that I didn't rip anybody off, since you went and accused me of that even though you don't have a clue who I am.