Anyone here going to Roskilde this summer??

Originally posted by Moonlight Butchery
It would be kick ass going to both those festivals, but its rather expensive for me since i live in Finland. So, screw it.

Since this has halfway morphed into a festival thread, do you or anyone else know any details of Tuska 2003? I'll be in Finland for the 2nd & 3rd days of the festival this year and can't seem to find any info...
I don't think I'm going to Roskilde this year. I've been there three times, but didn't go last year. Satyricon was the only band I wanted to see and I wasn't willing to pay 1000 Kroner + food, beer & transport to see them. Besides I paid 110 Kroner to see them in Aarhus a couple of months ago. The only reason I went the year before was because I got the ticket + travelling expenses paid by a radiostation that I work for.
I saw Maiden in 2000 and since they haven't released anything since then besides yet another live album and a greatest hits (again) I don't see any reason going. I'm not as big a fan of them now as I was in '93 anyway.
Metallica is a little bit different. I was really into them around '92 and stuff, but nowadays I only own two of their records (for one song on each) and I rarely listen to them. Although they'll play their old classics they don't get to me like they did 10 years ago.
another thing about Roskilde is that most of the music I listen to is from before the 80's, so all the artists I like are either dead or have stopped playing, so it would be pretty hard making a festival where I would be willing to pay the costs of the ticket!
Originally posted by markgugs
Since this has halfway morphed into a festival thread, do you or anyone else know any details of Tuska 2003? I'll be in Finland for the 2nd & 3rd days of the festival this year and can't seem to find any info...

No, unfortunately not. I've tried finding some info several times, but the only bands I'm fairly sure about are Impaled Nazarene and Trio Niskalaukaus. Though as far as I know those two bands play every year.
Wow! I would really like to see Taake, but Inferno is too expensive to get to, even though Im from Denmark... I just hope they destroys Wacken as well... Hoest rules!

Roskilde was good last year (Slayer, Satyricon a.o), but Im in Ecuador at that specific time, so I cannot make it... See yall on Wacken though... ...

@The Tyger of Denmark:
Vær hilset!
Det er rart at møde en landsmand mere! Det var tre i en post... Måtte det fortsætte... Hvor er du ellers fra, og hvilken genre dyrker du mest intenst?
Thx Moonlight Butchery, for the answer. I'll keep my eyes open for any Tuska news...

@ulvedal: Have you heard the same nasty rumor I did about Wacken '03? I've heard they're getting rid of the black metal stage completely! Please tell me this cannot happen!
A friend of mine told me he had heard they were getting rid of the stage because there were just too many bands now and it was getting out of hand. That didn't necessarily mean there wouldn't be any black/viking bands, but they'd be incorporated into other stages. All a rumor, that's why I posted it, hoping someone could say NAY!
Originally posted by markgugs

@ulvedal: Have you heard the same nasty rumor I did about Wacken '03? I've heard they're getting rid of the black metal stage completely! Please tell me this cannot happen!

I know there will be blackmetal and stuff, but unfortunately I haven´t heard anything about those rumours...