Anyone here going to the San Antonio, TX show?


New Metal Member
Oct 7, 2005
Just wondering if anyone here is going Dec 2nd also. My brother and I'll be there.
I got there real late, like around 8:20, but somehow still got to 2nd row by the time COB started.
Yeah, the place did get fucking packed...and it didn't help that it was small as hell...but it was still a fucking awesome show. It sucks though, I had a fever, so I felt like I was gonna pass out all throughout the show, but it was fucking worth it.
I'm surprised nobody fainted from the heat and humidity...I couldn't pass through with out elbowing someone's kidney.....the White Rabbit was a small venue they should have done it at Sunset Station......Amon Amarth was awesome!!!!!!
fuck sunset station. That place sucks ass.

not that the white rabbit is a whole lot better.

It got fucking HOT though. After Amon Amarth, My friend and I watched the rest of the show from the patio.

and one girl did pass out. They dragged her on stage to get her to the back door. I think it was during Trivium's set.
Hmm, I didn't check out Trivium, so I didn't see anyone pass out....even though I really felt like I was going to also. For one, it was too fucking hot and I knew that I wouldn't have lasted through Bodom's show if I would have stayed to listen to Trivium. Anyway, I'm not even really into Trivium as it is. What did piss me off though was all the people who started body surfing. They kept getting in front of Alexi's mic. when the guys on stage had to pull them off.
-Flash- said:
What did piss me off though was all the people who started body surfing. They kept getting in front of Alexi's mic. when the guys on stage had to pull them off.

I agree the crowd surfers really pissed me off was so hot it smelled like sweaty ass too......