Anyone here listen to "After Forever?"


S t a r E
Apr 27, 2002
ON, Canada
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I think this goth band is quite brilliant....if anyone hasn't heard of them, I suggest checking out songs such as;

The Leaden Legacy
Wings of Illusion
Black Tomb

Man, mixing clean female vocals with distorted vocals and top it off with some heavy riffs and symphonic melodies, you got one heck of a band! Top-notch stuff, indeed!
I love their first album. I was an AA fan when I
was into all that doom/goth stuff :eek:) But their
lates release doesn't quite do it for me. First of
all I miss the black vocals, and their songs has
lost some of the emotion or whatever...

But I think I need to give it another chance,
just not now >:eek:P
I usually DESPISE those fake opera vocals, but this chick can actually do them! Some of the music is a tad cheesy for my taste, but I'm in the mood for them sometimes. Unfortunately I can't find their albums in stock (online) anywhere! Any suggestions?
Well, I usually order from, which is obviously located in the Netherlands where I happen to live. They are rather cheap, certainly when compared to what Dutch record shops make you pay, and they do not charge for shipping inside the Netherlands. I'm not sure how much it will cost to get the shipment overseas, but I think it's worth a try.
Although I can't believe no other online record shop has these articles in stock!
A lot of websites say it's in stock, but then after I wait for three months they tell me they don't have it! :mad: I guess I should email them first.