Anyone here use Jammit?


May 19, 2009
I read about a program for iPhone/iPod Touch called "Jammit"

Supposedly they take the original master tapes from popular recordings and the program lets you mute/solo tracks. They have Pantera's "Walk" and other songs.

It sucks I don't have an iPhone though :mad:, it would be interesting to hear.
The program itself looks pretty cool, but I just can't justify spending $7 for just 3 songs I can get for free on the internet. It just takes a few extra clicks on a computer to listen to how the guitar parts are supposed to sound and to find so many different versions of tabs/sheet music. I'm sure it's not the real guitar part track like in Guitar Hero... I'm sure it's just some dude playing the guitar part. If there was a way to extract just the guitar parts or get the raw track, then it might be worth it so we can re-mix it to get it sounding the way we want :) But $7 for 3 songs for a txt version tab? nah thanks.
Even if it is original studio tracks, I still don't see it being worth $7 for just 3 songs. But that's just my opinion :erk: