anyone here with an Alesis D4?

Andy Sneap

Metal Guru
Apr 17, 2002
at home
quick question.
A mate of mine has bought a second hand D4, and under the ext trigger page it says trigger, Type and Note, where as mine says Trigger, Velocity and Note.

He also doesn't have the xtalk, Noise and Decay options available.

Apparently this is to do with whether you are triggering from pads or tape etc and trigger speed.

Is there 2 different software versions out there??, any ideas.

In the manual it mentions the "type" page but doesn't say how to get it or where it is.

Any ideas on this, or total factory reset (not just drum group resets)??
Andy Sneap said:
quick question.
A mate of mine has bought a second hand D4, and under the ext trigger page it says trigger, Type and Note, where as mine says Trigger, Velocity and Note.

He also doesn't have the xtalk, Noise and Decay options available.

Apparently this is to do with whether you are triggering from pads or tape etc and trigger speed.

Is there 2 different software versions out there??, any ideas.

In the manual it mentions the "type" page but doesn't say how to get it or where it is.

Any ideas on this, or total factory reset (not just drum group resets)??
i just checked mine and it is the same as what you are saying yours says. i couldnt find a reference to "type" anywhere in the thing. i checked the manual for both the d4 and d5 and nothing about "type" except refering to voices. couldnt find anything about a "type" page.
Andy, I found this. I hope that helps!

Maybe can you now tell me please how you made that FatCity snare sounded like it does on the KSE album!:)
Thankx in advance, Barth

FROM: Phil O'Keefe
SUBJ: Alesis D-4 defects and info DATE: 13 Jan 92 22:40:00

I spoke with Alesis today for about a half an hour about various
things. Here's the lowdown on the D-4. It seems that a batch of them
were shipped without having a "hard reset" done on them. Hard reset
restores all of the ROM data to the factory specs, and is similar to
re-booting your computer. It is NOT recommended that you store any
edited data that you have done, rather, you should write it down. The
reason is that if you store the data and Hard Reset, then re-load the
data, you'll probably just be re-loading corrupted data. Anyway,
Alesis has spoken with several people with the note stealing problem,
and so far resets have helped in all cases. Here's the proceedure:


To Hard Reset the D4 - Power down for a few minutes. Then hit
the "voice" and "output" keys at the same time, and hold them both
while you power up. This will re-set the D4, and should clear up any

Another bit of interesting info: Per Alesis, ALL D4's HAVE THE
DEMO! Also, there are indeed two different ROM versions out there
already. I jsut remembered that I forgot to ask if there is a upgrade
available to owners of the earlier version, but I will check on it.
The difference in the ROM versions is in the trigger section of the
software. ROM version 1.02 has the added control features for the
trigger in's. How do I check which version of the ROM I have? Well, if
your D4 came with a manual addendum covering the triggers (A
replacement for chapter 5 of the manual) then you have the new ROM
version. Here's a way to get your D4 to display the version of the
Press the drumset key. Let go. Then hit BOTH cursor keys at
the same time. The ROM version will be displayed for a few seconds.

I hope this info proves useful to some of you out sure
did to me. I was pretty bummed out when I couldn't use my hi hats
along with a snare sample! Turning the unit off seemed to clear it up,
but just to be sure, I did a hard reset. It works fine. If anyone is
still having problems, the customer support number at Alesis is (310)
836-7924. Enjoy!

First of all, sorry to bring an old topic back to life.

Anyway, I had a similar problem... I bought used Alesis D4 with 1.01 version firmware which had only gain option in triggering options.

I borrowed D4 modul from my friend and made a copy of his firmware chip which was 1.04 version and it works like a charm. The most importantly it has Crosstalk, which old firmware didn't have.

If anyone need more info about firmware update, PM me, I can get you latest 1.04 firmware version chip for few €.

Anyway, Alesis support does not support this product anymore, due "it's a long discounted product".

The guy was trying to be helpful and he has a cool user name. Give him a break.:err: