Anyone in the Atlanta or Athens area need a cat?


Aug 17, 2009
We recently adopted a big orange cat we call "Mr. Balls" (On account of his testicles, prior to having them removed, being disproportionately large.)
He's been neutered, has all his shots, tested negative for feline HIV and leukemia, and is overall, a big sweet fella. He is extremely affectionate, quiet, litter box friendly, doesn't tear up furniture, Loves attention... The only problem is that he does *NOT* get along with other animals, and this is unfortunately why we can't keep him. My fiancee is pretty torn up about having to let him go, so we want to make sure he gets a good home... So maybe this isn't the best place to be asking :p

All the same, if you, or somebody you know, would enjoy the company of such a fine companion, let me know.

Keep in mind though if I find that he ends up abused or neglected I will tear your fucking head off. Slowly.
If you do, I have 2 kittens that need to find a home. ;)

What kind of things are going on that he doesn't get along with the other animals? I have cats that don't get along at all. They tussle a bit, but they go off to their own areas of the house. Sometimes it takes a long time for the cats to learn to live together, so maybe there's some hope?

I have... 7 ... well 8... well soon fostering 2 more so it will be 10!! (3 are from the same litter, just trying now to find 2 of them a good home).
Who, me? I already have two kittays here. Alas, I don't need another one.

My thought: bring him to the "Pet Side" of the Pendergrass Flea Market -- I'm not even sure if (or how) they charge ya if you just happen to stroll up with a pet in a carrier or something. :)
Nooo, I would never do that. The pet area of the PFM is the most depressing place in Georgia.

But we've decided to keep him.
I'm glad you decided to keep him! He sounds like a mellow boy and I'm sure things will smooth out eventually. I have 5 cats. Two sets are siblings. Well one of the females cannot stand one of the males and the minute he walks by her she starts in on him. What's funny is his brother is identical to him and he walks by her with no problem.

So me like an idiot decides to check this out with the vet. To which he clearly told me:

"She just doesn't like him. Don't you have people that you don't like?" I stand there "Um yeah." He goes on to say "It's the same thing with her, she just doesn't like him."

ROTFL, I should have saved my $$$$$