Anyone interested in recording project?

Metal Reigns

Where All Metal Dwells
Nov 25, 2004
Las Vegas
If anyone is interested in doing a mix of black/death/Opeth type of music for recording only. Send me an e-mail. We are looking for other musicians to be involved. Not really looking to get anything out of it right now but just to make some cool music. If interested in talking. E-mail me. Thanks.
How would you do that?
I am interested but its a bit difficult if you live like at other side of the world.
Im interested, but too lazy to email you. I can play guitar, growl, and (sometimes) sing clean. Do you have some songs ready for this, or would we be starting from scratch?
Leper_/-\ffinity said:
Im interested, but too lazy to email you. I can play guitar, growl, and (sometimes) sing clean. Do you have some songs ready for this, or would we be starting from scratch?

Hey guy's. Really the only requirement is you have means to record. Either recording software, or 4 track or better. Something you can record your parts to and send to the others involved to check out. No need to live close by when you can do everything via the net. We do have a couple song's started. As of now just two of us. Both play guitar and I do bass and vocals, but we could use added guitar players, vocalist's and bass players. The drums will most likely be a program but they should come out good and will get everyone's opinion on it before doing any finalizing. I am using Cubase and Cool Edit for recording. I will be building a new system to record and mix final tracks. If you can file share your tracks in audio format or wave that would work out killer. So let me know what you guy's think.
Ok, sounds good, maybe you could upload the tracks and let me try writing the next part or singing, or maybe a guitar solo or acoustic bit?!? Or what kind of a slot do you have open for the stuff you have started on now?!? I use Cubase as well, btw. Have you started writing lyrics?!? Maybe we should make this whole project into one big concept?!? Like one real long song like EoS' Crimson or something?!? Well, anyway, just tell me where to get started, I may not get to it right away because Im trying to finish up my band's demos and school/work but I'd love to participate.
I'll join in too. I play guitar (fairly decent) I growl and can do some clean vocals. I write a lot as well. Sounds cool, seeing as I'm about to get a new computer and get Cubase for recording. A long Crimson like song would be great to try.
Sounds cool to me. I am willing to work with anyone who is willing to take the time to do it. If everyone interested want's to get in touch you can e-mail me I can send you what we have so far and you can try various things and send them back and send back and forth to each other. We should all meet in a chat forum or something where we can all talk and get to know each other a little and discuss what we all want out of it. If that sounds like something you might be interested in drop me an e-mail and we can get started after the first of the year. Might as well wait till after the holidays and everyone's life is back to normal. I look forward to hearing from you and hope those interested are ready to make some music.
Talk to you guy's later.
I'm not that good anyway- I can pretty much just do chords for atmosphere. By all means- I'm sure you would do better.
heh- yeah that's about the extent of anything I can do. The settings on the first one seemed cheapish but I'm pretty sure the sound quality of this whole fiasco is gonna leave something to desire anyway. If keys are all you can do then I'll just leave that to you! The more the merrier.
bump yo. This was supposed to my excuse to do some more black metal damnit! When is this gonna get underway?
You're probably 100% correct there. Projects with more than two people usually die because of one persons laziness. So far the only success I've had in online collaboration has been with Static, and we haven't even finished anything yet. No harm in wishful thinking though eh? You wouldn't be interested in trying this without ten or twenty people involved would ya? It gets boring writing alone sometimes :/
I would really love to lay some death metal vocals, but the only recording thing I have is this sound recorder that was programmed with my computer.
Do you have a decent mic and preamp? It's easy to pirate good recording software, and there's even some stuff out there for free that does the trick.