anyone into classic early 70s blues-rock?


Jan 20, 2002
"the flower & willow world"
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Has anyone here ever heard of a British guitarist named Robin Trower?

I recently picked up his 1974 album "Bridge of Sighs" and am wondering how the hell this fella has remained under the radar for so long! The album is a stunning blues-infected hard rock record with some amazing smooth guitar playing.

Many reviews compare Trower to Hendrix, and, to a degree, the Jimi influence is there, but Trower is not totally derivitive. This is just awesome stuff.

The vocalist, James Dewar, has to have the best-ever voice for heavy blues-rock. Imagine a combo of Paul Rodgers (Free, Bad Company) and Jach Bruce (of Cream).

Highly recommended for fans of Zepelin, Badlands (Jake E Lee's old band), Glenn Hughes, vintage Whitesnake, Hendrix, Free/Bad Company, etc.
Pick up Rory Gallagher's Irish Tour, if you can find it.

I think it's '74. Amazing guitar work.
That is a fantastic album, and it's his best. He has a couple other things that are ok-ish, but Bridge of Sighs was a classic. I just got it in the last year or so myself, having randomly remembered that a girl I knew back when I was in Junior High was into it. I couldn't remember much about it except that I liked it.

My personal favorite (probably) 70s blues rock release is Humble Pie's "Performance - Rockin' The Fillmore." Steve Marriott is a maniac.
I'm not a Trower fan at all, just don't like his sound....I'm not saying he isn't a good player, he just does ZERO for me musically. Now Rory Gallager, that's more up my alley! Quite possibly one of the BEST blues/rock live cds ever made is Rory's "Stagestruck". It slays. It has chunks of Trower in its stool :D

J-Dubya 777 said:
I'm not a Trower fan at all, just don't like his sound....I'm not saying he isn't a good player, he just does ZERO for me musically. Now Rory Gallager, that's more up my alley! Quite possibly one of the BEST blues/rock live cds ever made is Rory's "Stagestruck". It slays. It has chunks of Trower in its stool :D


awww i love Calling Card...are they still around?? hadn't heard their names for ages :)
junnie from the east said:
awww i love Calling Card...are they still around?? hadn't heard their names for ages :)

Rory sadly passed away from liver failure/complications from a liver transplant in '95, IIRC. I'm glad I got to see him in 91 or 92, I think.

J-Dubya - Thinks Junnie should pick up Defender & Jinx too! (along with Stagestruck!!!!!)
oh.. sorry to hear that RIP Rory...
i'll try to find these CDs, thanks! :)

i liked Johnny & Edger Winter too. but his songs were very special. i don't really remember his looks but just his sound had big power...

about Robin, i knew he was an excellent guitarist but i wasn't attracted emotionally more than Rory..
SoundMaster said:
I've never heard of Rory Gallagher....I have to check this out.
(as well as the Humble Pie recommendation!)

Yeah, that release (Humbe Pie - Performance) will screw you up man. It's a monster. Peter Frampton on guitar, actually, when he was a young fellow just making a go of it in a band. Not that I'm a fan of his, actually. But Steve Marriott is the star of the show. A real British-era bluesy voice. Some of their arrangements are really complex too, in particular "I Walk On Golden Splinters," which is a cover of an old Dr. John tune. Of course "I Don't Need No Doctor," is on there too. But I think you'll be surprised by how cool and bluesy they are. Real Les Paul, woody, twin/thick guitar tone stuff.
If you just listen to the samples on you'll realize you pretty much need this record.
SoundMaster said:
I've never heard of Rory Gallagher....I have to check this out.

I saw Rory Gallagher open for Quiet Riot back in the early 80's. Good guitar player. Played and old guitar that looked like crap but sound amazing! Of course opening for QR made for a mixed bag since fans of QR (like me) were looking for the music packaged with an image of which Rory had none.

rokk said:
I saw Rory Gallagher open for Quiet Riot back in the early 80's. Good guitar player. Played and old guitar that looked like crap but sound amazing! Of course opening for QR made for a mixed bag since fans of QR (like me) were looking for the music packaged with an image of which Rory had none.


I missed him when he opened for Rush...... : (

I think he crossed a lot of boundries, I never read about him being boo'ed off the stage or anything.......

junnie from the east said:
oh.. sorry to hear that RIP Rory...
i'll try to find these CDs, thanks! :)

about Robin, i knew he was an excellent guitarist but i wasn't attracted emotionally more than Rory..

Anytime Junnie! ANd I still crank up Rory at the house here, I get very sentimental in regards to how much fun those days were!

J-Dubya - Get STAGESTRUCK!!!!!!! :D