Anyone into video editing?

I have some programs for it, I've can do basic putting videos together, but I'm not that good at graphics, add-ins.
I won't have time to do anything though. I have a lot of homework, and not enough time/sleep. I have too much to do.
I wouldn't want to do anything official, because I hate official stuff, you screw up, it really sucks because it's all official screw ups and you can't go back and change every official copy, and everyone knows you screwed up.
I definately won't do anything professional like for a DVD. maybe for an internet release.
I don't remember how long I've been ranting on, but I'll stop now and simplify what I think I meant I was trying to say.
I won't do any official/professional stuff, but I might have some time to do something to send over the internet. I don't have any good equipment either. Just Software.