Anyone into webdesign here??

Originally posted by Hearse

My eyes!
They were sore even before this... now they hurt! :lol:

I hate flash...
its slow...
I also hate popups...
they are annoying...


For a presentation site like that it's good. It was a success :p
YOu couldn make that could ya :p ;)

Ok ok! You think I did just that.. nononono

This is the HTML-version

and this is the mini-version in English

SO THERE!!! :grin:
Ok - let me not forget the topic here... he he.. Now! I agree with
what u say about Flash, but sometimes it's cool to integrate a
little Flash where it suits.
A site where ppl are gonna come back and use a lot, needs to be
quick and easy to handle (like UM here). Then Flash is no good!
But for presentation and first time impression it's nice...