Anyone know anything about Maynard James Keean


New Metal Member
Apr 4, 2004
hey hows is everyone.
I was just wondering if anyone could tell me some stuff about Maynard James Keean from tool coz im doin a thing on him at school and i cant find shit anywhere, and its due tomorrow, so if u know anything and i mean anything even like stupid little things could y'all let me know
I knew it'd be fake, but it'd be pretty convincing if I was just a bit less incredulous about everything.

Anyway, you should've picked someone else. The only certain things about Keenan are that 1) He's a freak and 2) He generally keeps to himself.
You should've picked a person whose exploits as an individual are important, not a person whose exploits are less important than the exploits of the unit he's a part of. Silly fanboy.
A better person to focus on would be Varg. In fact, almost anyone from the early 90s black metal scene.