anyone know how the Disturbed fans are reacting to Nevermore?

Pitiless Wanderer

Active Member
Jun 14, 2002
Salt Lake City, UT
Havent read anything about it and Disturbed dont seem to have a forum like this one.

I'm curious how theyre finding Nevermore...

if youve been to a show yet, how was the crowd response?
Yeah, I would be interested to see how our boys are doing in front of those crowds. I know most of us agree that Disturbed sucks, but I was hoping this would be a big break for NM.
Will Bozarth said:

Distorted Mind is really gay

Exactly my point, you probably don't like them but other people do.
At the end of the day it's about connecting with other people. Musicians-Audience. If you can achieve that with one person then your job is done!

Then again what do I know. But anyways I'm done with this preaching shit, I hope the guys are doing well, as I'm sure they are.
if Nevermore has fans that think they're a good band, then Disturbed has fans that think they're a good band.

Nevermore and Disturbed are pretty much nothing alike musically, so maybe most of the people at the shows won't take a liking to Nevermore. oh well. Nevermore gets paid for the shows regardless.