Anyone know of any deadly metal festivals in Norway this summer?


The Window of our Souls
Nov 18, 2001
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My friends and I are busting to go to a country where real fucking music is played (ie not fucking dance/techno shit).
So we decided we mite head to Norway for a few weeks.
Just want to know if there are any mad concerts or festivals going on in summer 2002 in Norway ......

good luck
Yeah and i'm one of those friends, we're planning on goin' next summer and we want it to coincide with some cool concerts/festivals or whatever, maybe even one with Opeth playin', he he :headbang:
Well, theres the Quart festival in Kristiansand the first week of July, and some other smaller ones which I don't quite know the dates of. Quart had bands like Opeth, In Flames, Mayhem, and Borknagar last year so it's a damn good festival to go to. The other ones consist of lame B bands and stupid Norwegian rap.
Yeah, the Quart-festival usually has one day
with a few metalbands playing :eek:)
Quite nice, since they all play on the same stage.
All the metalheads gather up and enjoy :eek:)
Other than that there's nothing special going on...
You should come to Norway during easter instead.
Then the Inferno-festival will hit off, and so far
Vintersorg and Behemoth (was it?) are on the list
of bands. Check the inferno's site here,
whenever it gets up again....