Anyone know the adress where I can send the RIAA something?

Iced In Flames

Jan 26, 2002
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I'm right up in this whole mp3, illegal copying thing. I want to ask them a little something that could prove quite interesting. I've been to the site but I couldnt find an adress.
Communism is a good idea on paper. If run effectivly it could be alright ;)

I'd like to share my views and get a few things across to them about this whole mp3 and sueing thing.
How about sueing them for entrapment?

On it specifically says that ANY song on your computer is illegal. ANY song.

Well how bout all these sites like metal blade and century media who give us songs to download?

Sure download these songs and buy our records! Oh wait. Thats illegal so we'll sue you now.

And what about mp3 players people jog with. Do people stand outside the recording industries headquarters and tackle people with those? Those are illegal copies of music. And how will they sue you if you send stuff via AIM or ICQ or MSN?

What are your thoughts on the entrapment issue?
Exactly. Something honestly does need to be done. On the RIAA site they are trying to pitch a sad sympathy story abgout artists trying to avoid getting day jobs. BOO FUCKING HOO!!! I have no sympathy for some 17 year old whore who dresses like a prostitute, doesnt write her own music, or songs, or create her own dance steps and makes more in one fucking year than I will in my entire life!
ANY song on your computer?

Damn, all this time I thought I was getting my shit lgally, off websites and not sharing.

Time to move to Guam...